;;Chapter Seven

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Hey, guys! Sorry I put this on hiatus for a while, but hopefully now I can get back to updating regularly or somewhere near that. I hope you like this chapter, thank you!

Also: Thank you all so much for 2k+ reads! Seeing this story grow this big is amazing to me and I really appreciate it. I never expected for my story to get this far. Thank you all so, so, so much!


          It seemed like they were gone for hours, and I was left staring at the ceiling drowning in my own thoughts. Where they ever going to come back? Will we be successful in escaping? Will I finally get to see my family after all of this? The thoughts were overwhelming to me.

          As I waited, staring off into oblivion, it was like I was waiting for another experiment. Nothing to do, waiting for some new people to come and experiment on me, while I was filled with anxiety. I felt as if I was in some room, where I can see different people and animals moving all around me, but no matter how hard I try, I can't break the barrier between us and my cries for help are unheard.

          Whenever I thought these things, it made me realize how alone I truly was. I had no friends, and I've been in the same spot for almost three years. For three years I haven't come out of this room, and I have been hidden from society and stolen the people I love. But, this may finally be my escape.

          By the time they got back, it had gotten darker outside and there were stars faintly painted across the sky. They had come in carrying a couple of large blankets, laying them out on the floor.

          "Alright," Said Shiro, "Here's what we're going to do. We're going to get you out of the tank and lay you out on the blankets and carry you outside to the mattress. We have a lot of blankets, so you should stay warm throughout the trip. Outside it's sandy, so you should probably keep your face under the blankets so you don't inhale a lot."

          I took in the information, visualizing how it would go in my head. Then, he spoke again.

          "Is there a way we can get you out of the tank?"

          "There's usually a sling that would open up out of the ceiling and carry me out before experiments, but I don't know how to work it."

          Shiro looked up to the ceiling where the slot was at, at then back at me.

          "I don't think it would work because the power is out... How about we try to carry you out?"
          "You can try but the cage is locked." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

          Shiro looked around the cage for a lock, and then he finally found it.

          "It's only a padlock," He said, "We can probably get through it." Shiro said, digging into his pocket. After about a minute or so of switching between pockets, he pulled out a bobby pin.

          "Here you go, Keith." He said, tossing the bobby pin to him. "Pick the lock."

          Keith caught the bobby pin, and he inserted it into the hole in the padlock. After a couple of minutes of Keith moving it around inside of it, the padlock popped open.

          "There we go," Keith announced, handing Shiro the bobby pin.

          "Thank you, Keith. So, ho are we going to do this?" Shiro mumbled, thinking to himself. After a few short moments, he turned to Keith. "Alright, I'll pick him up and you try to stay behind me just in case, try to catch him if he falls."

         Keith nodded, "Alright."

          After all of this, I was still left watching them sort this out. Then, I saw Shiro come up to my tank.

          "Ready?" He asked.

          I nodded. Shiro reached into the tank, wrapping his arms around my chest and tail. He gently lifted me out of the tank, having almost no trouble at all, and then he set me down on the blanket. When he unwrapped his arms, I realized that I had been blushing because of how embarrassed I was. I pulled my arms towards my chest, awkwardly sitting up.

         "Uh... thank you guys, for all of this." I mumbled.

          "It's no problem, really." Shiro said with a sincere smile.

          "Yeah." Keith agreed.

          "Now, we need to carry you out and put you onto the mattress. Wrap yourself up in the blanket so you don't get cold and I'll carry you out. Keith, stay behind me."

          After he said that, I layed back down and wrapped the blanket around me tightly. Then, once again, Shrio picked me up bridal style.

          He carried me out of the room, and for the first time in three years, I was finally out of that room. The hallways were a dark grey with small bright lights on the ceiling. Occasionally, there was a window on the wall and a small room with some instruments or some people on the floor. It made me cringe when I saw them, so I stared ahead instead, until I saw another body. At this point, I chose to turn my head to Shiro's chest. At first, he was a bit surprised, and then he continued to move forward.

          We finally got out of the building, and we were outside in fresh air. I turned my head out of Shiro's chest, looking up at the sky and my surroundings. The sky looked amazing, it was a light blue with clouds dotted here and there, and we were in a desert sort of area, like what I saw when I was first carried here. It was so refreshing when we got outside, it was my first deep breathe of fresh air in almost three years.

          Shiro carried me through a large hole in the fence that they had cut and brought me to the mattress attached to the back of their fourwheeler. It was comfy, and they did have more blankets on it. Shiro went to sit in the front, and Keith sat in the back with me, covering me with more blankets.

          "Try to keep a blanket over your nose and mouth so you don't inhale a lot of sand," Keith said, pulling up a bandana over half of his face. I did as he said and covered half of my face as well.

          "You guys ready?" Shiro asked, turning to face us. I nodded.

          "Yep," Keith said, giving him a thumbs up. Once he said that the fourwheeler turned on and we started to drive away.

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