;;Chapter Twelve

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The night passed by slowly. I woke up at random points in the night, tossing and turning while trying not to wake up Keith. For some reason, I was restless and worried. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I may never get to see my family again?

    I had random vivid dreams about my family, sometimes I came back to them, swimming into my mother's arms, crying as I greeted my brothers and sisters after so long. In others, I could see them right in front of me but so far out of reach. An invisible wall blocked us, and my screams were unheard as I was drawn away from them once more.

    Suddenly, I was yanked awake by Keith, a worried expression on his face. I froze, staring at him.

    "Are you alright?" He asked, "You were screaming something.. You woke me up."

    I nodded, "Just a bad dream, I'm fine. What time is it?"

    Keith stopped and looked at the small alarm clock on the coffee table in front of us.

    "It's about 5 am." He answered, turning back to me.

    "Oh. Sorry about waking you up. Want to go back to bed?"

    Keith nodded, "That would be nice."

    I nodded back to him, scooching further in on the couch (which was really just a couple of centimeters). I patted the spot next to me, and he laid down where he was once more cuddling into the blankets. I did the same. Soon we both fell asleep, Keith subconsciously reaching his arm around me once again, cuddling against me. Holy shit, this kid is so cute.


    Shiro stood in the kitchen, humming a tune as he made breakfast. I had no idea what it was, but Keith promised that it would be the best thing I'd ever had. I think they called it bacon? A couple of minutes later, he came out of the kitchen with three plates. He handed them to us, and I stared at the plate questionably. It was thin and crisp, sizzling a bit fresh off the stove. I poked it a bit, seeing if anything would happen. After I heard Keith chuckling next to me while watching, I picked it up and carefully put it in my mouth.

I was silent for a few moments, then I spoke with a mouthful of food. "This is actually good.."

"What did I tell you? Best thing you'd ever taste," Keith sad, looking at me with a small smile.

"Well, I wouldn't call it the best thing I've ever tasted. Nothing can beat my ma's food," I half-teased, taking another bite of the bacon. Eventually this turned into a discussion on which food is the best, which isn't. We all had fun, talking about random stuff and for a moment I forgot about my family and I was living in the moment. Then came a knock at the door.

"Hello?" A voice called. For some reason it sounded.. Familiar?

Shiro slowly got up, "There's barely anybody that lives near here, who could this even be?" He muttered, making it to the door opening it. Upon opening, there was a large tan boy standing at the door, his brown hair a bit shorter than a bob tied up in an orange bandana. All I could do was stare. He looked like Hunk. Was it really him? After so long?The boy fumbled with his thumbs trying to decide what to say, then he finally spoke up.

"Uh.. My name is Hunk and I'm looking for a friend of mine. His name is Lance? Do you happen to know him?" He asked, looking up at Shiro. My mind went blank as I stared at him. How did he find me after being gone for so long?

Shiro stared at him for a few moments, then looking back at me for a look of approval. I hesitantly nodded, focussed on Hunk. He looked back at him, "I do know him. He's on the couch over there.." He said, gesturing over to where I was sitting. Hunk peered through the doorway, looking directly at me before his gaze softened.

"May I.. go and see him please?" Hunk asked, though he was already attempting to slowly step through the doorway.

Shiro nodded, moving out of the way. The instant Shiro's head moved a centimeter, Hunk walked through the doorway towards me and embraced me in a large hug.


Sorry for the short chapter, but I've decided to continue the story for a bit longer because I've suddenly got some motivation.

I hope you guys enjoy the chapter :'))

Also, thank you to julie_jewel2233 for giving me the idea to have Hunk come in and bring Lance's ass home. ;)

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