;;Chapter Four

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          Hi guys, sorry this took forever to update!! Its also really short so I'm sorry for that too, but Chapter 5 will be somewhat long. I hope you guys enjoy uvu


           I woke up terrified and crying. The room seemed darker than before, and I felt like the walls were caving in on me. I had just relived the horrific moment of my capture, the moment I lost my friends and family. Only now did I realize how scared they must be. Waiting to see if another one of their children will be taken. Living in fear for the moment to come. For the amount of time I've been here, I have been thinking about what will happen the next day. How much pain I'd be in because of the scientist's that like to experiment on me. I had never thought of the pain they'd be in.

          The rest of the day went on somewhat calm, barely any scientists came into my room for the majority of the time, and I was left alone in my own thoughts. Norris hasn't came in at all, and that made me really relieved. I was left alone without any torture or questions for a day.

          My initial time at the garrison became the routine for three years of my life. Eventually they stopped using the paralysis serum because they now had no need for it. I had stopped struggling.

          I celebrated my fourteenth birthday alone yesterday. Currently, I am floating aimlessly in my tank. One of the only thoughts in my mind right now was an escape plan. Out of the three years I've been here, I guess I haven't really thought about making one till now. I couldn't really do much because the only water I know of in this facility that I could swim in is this tank, but my mind was full of ideas that involved daring chases and stunts.

          Suddenly, I was jolted out of my thoughts by a loud alarm blaring. I could hear pounding footsteps and horrible screeching outside my room, and then the screams slowly died off. By now, I was almost frozen in fear thinking about what was about to happen to me. Why was there screaming? Were there attackers? Am I going to die here? Suddenly, I felt a sudden surge of dizziness and blackness imposed upon my vision.

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