;;Chapter Eleven

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 The whole week had passed by, and I had thought about nothing but the ocean and my family. They had said I am improving at an amazing rate, and I would be back to full health in a couple of months. For now, I'm good enough to swim as I please. Currently, we were getting ready to leave, and then I would get to go to the ocean. I had waited so long for this moment- almost three years.

"Almost ready?" Shiro asked Keith. Keith was busy strapping on the mattress to the fourwheeler, making it more safe for us to ride in.

"Almost, I just need to secure this really quick," He said, focusing on his work. As I stared at him, his tongue was sticking out of his mouth slightly. I love it when Keith is focused, sticking his tongue out. He always looks so cute.

Of course I was stuck in the pool, and i couldn't do much to help them. It took Keith about three hours to complete the task, or at least it felt like it. Really it was just ten minutes. Eventually, we were ready to go.

"Ready?" Shiro asked, looking back at me and Keith from the front of the fourwheeler.

I gave a brief nod, wrapped in some blankets while I sat on the mattress behind it. Shiro turned back, and began to drive.

The drive took a while, traveling through the sand filled land, only seeing a plant very rarely. Soon, the ocean came into view and instantly I was excited; observing the glittering blue surface, watching every wave going by as we moved closer.

Eventually, we came to a stop at the shoreline, and Shiro climbed off of the vehicle.

"So, do you know where we should bring you?" He asked.

I looked around awkwardly, trying to picture what my home looked like, where it was. I tried to force this memory into my head, going back to when I was allowed to roam free in the ocean.

"I...uh.." I mumbled. "I don't remember.."

Shiro gave me a sympathetic look, then smiling. "It's alright. We'll find it."


(ignore that I'm shifting POV, lol.)

Eventually, hours upon hours went by, and we've still found nothing. We had explored the whole shoreline, I had been in and out of the ocean, searching for something familiar, something that reminded me of the home I lived in that seemed like it was so long ago. But, we had found nothing in our efforts, not a single sign of my family, or the friends that I used to play with in the sea so carelessly.

I sighed, looking around the vast ocean before me. This place seemed so familiar, but so far away at the same time. Eventually, it was late at night and we had given up our search now driving back to the shack. I was cuddled against Keith covered in blankets, lost in thought of what I would do now, how I would reach my home.

The ride seemed to take hours, my mind drifting off into a different idea or topic every minute. The thought that I might not be able to go back and see my family was frightening to me. I had been thinking about this for three years, since the moment I was kidnapped from my home and brought to that hell house.

Once we had finally got back to the shack, we were all exhausted and ready to collapse and sleep. Shiro laid me on the couch while Keith put the fourwheeler away in the shed, Shiro then went immediately to his room and fell asleep. Keith came inside, laying next to me on the couch, snuggling into the blankets that covered me.

"Mind if I sleep with you? I usually sleep here," He asked turning towards me, although he had already let himself get comfy.

I hesitantly nodded, then covering my face with blankets to hide the obvious blush plastered on my face. I had slept with Hunk and my brothers before, so why did this feel so.. Different? Eventually, I stopped hiding my face only to notice that Keith had fallen asleep. Surprisingly, he looked peaceful while sleeping. His black hair covered most of his face as he slept, his shallow breathing looked like a small wave from the ocean. His eyes looked like those of an angel, and his lips soft like a- Wait. Was I admiring Keith? I stopped for a few moments, silently cursing to myself. I'm supposed to be heading home, what would my family think of me if I fell for a human? What would they feel if I fell for this emo human?
Eventually, this had become a small debate in my head, making up stuff as an excuse then having the other side fight back. I swear I had an angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other, yelling recoils into my ear and spitting it back out the other. After a bit more thinking and debating, I had come to the conclusion that I didn't care and I just wanted to sleep.

I shifted around on the couch, attempting to turn around without waking Keith up. This took a while, but I had soon managed to face the other direction and get comfy. I closed my eyes, snuggling into the blanket attempting to let sleep take me, then I felt an arm around me. I slowly turned my head, looking down at Keith's arm wrapped around my waist. Alright.. I thought, This is weird.. But oddly comforting. A few more minutes had went by like this until I eventually accepted that this was a good thing, and then I turned attempting to sleep once more. 


Hello! Sorry for not updating in so long. I have been very busy with life and other stuff. I've had lots of dance competitions, work stuff, and school stuff, as well as trying to maintain sufficient contact with these things we call 'human beings.'

Other than that, I think I can say I've just given up on indenting paragraphs, so there's that. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter! 

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