Away too long

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Saturday March 10th, 2018
Cassidy's POV:

I had searched threw the town of Belgrade, Montana for a little shop an finally found it. Ryan's been away for what seemed like forever so I bided my time with getting it ready. It was so cute an between Ryan's mom, my mom an my aunt an I we got it together. Today was the grand opening, of my coffee shop of song named TIN MAN.

Purposefully named that after the love of my life, reason being he had given me hope. Restored my faith in life an loving again, it had a counter lit up with a neon light with the word Tin Man. 15 tables with seats covered in a rough leather. The cups had a picture of a Montana sunset in my remembrance of my first night spent at his ranch.

A guitar shape light sine on tha front with the word Tin Man across the strings of it. Pictures hung of Beth teachin me how ta play. Of corse paintings of horses an there was a little stage area in the nook window at tha front where one could sing.

I had talked to Ryan over the two months he's been gone, via text an call, one night he even called me threw Skype. One of the most romantic calls I've ever had, I was madly in love with my Tin Man. Being away from him that long has been hard though. He had gotten another construction job that took him to Wyoming, I miss him so much.

I knew it was good for him though, the pay check was good too. He was happy, and we were saving up some money to buy a house. His mom said that she could retire an move to town but we all new John wasn't ready for that. Plus with Ryan's love for building things and my cafe now we needed to be closer.

I set the last of the snack plates out on the tables as momma, Darlene an aunt Jessica came out front. I watched as daddy an Jason Ryan's brother pulled up with the final touch. My jukebox, loaded with thousands of songs, "eeeeee, yay it's here," I squeaked.

I ran to the door an unlocked it then  opened it kicking the shim under it to hold it open. Huuu it was so pretty, dad an Jason got out an dad opened the tailgate. Jason jumped up an got the ramp out then slid the dolly under. Dad walked up the ramp and helped him lift it over onto it, and they started slowly bringing it down.

I stood there staring at it the best pice of the place besides the stage area, an the coffee. An the name, suddenly I was feelin lonely knowin Ryan might not make it to my grand opening. The girls that I hired for the opening got here just as the jukebox made it in the door, "oh my gosh it's amazin," says Cat.

"I know, I love it," I say.

"Is it goin in that corner by tha window on this side," Page asked.

"Yes please if y'all could plug it in that be great," I told her.

"Ya need help with that," a deep voice from behind me asked.

I turned around to see Ryan standin at the corner of the cafe. My heart skipped an I ran for him, he braced an I jumped inta his arms. "You made it," I squeaked.

He spun me around an our lips met in a furious spark. One that was two months waited for, oh my god did I miss him so much. "Corse I did, couldn't miss the opening of a cafe named after me, an a big day for my sexy woman," he said.

I couldn't even talk, I just wanted to hold him my tin man made it home for my opening everything was just right. Never mind that he was home, physically in my arms. I wrapped my legs round him an squeezed him tight, kissin his neck. "Woah now, I ain't been here for two months my love, don't wanna go missin for your opening, cause all yer doin right now is turnin me on," he groaned.

Blazing Montana Sky's.  Book 2 of series (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now