Little things

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Ryan's POV:

We ate lunch an everything, an tha girls were talkin about how ya need tha something old an new. Something borrowed something blue, just then my momma spoke up. "I have a blue broach y'all can borrow, it's old, borrowed an blue, used ta be Ryan's great grandmas" she said.

"Awe thank y'all Darlene, that be great, an my dress an boots are new, I'm all set then" she said.

Jason leans over ta me "more like borrowed fer now" he whispered.

I elbowed him an he laughed, settin his coffee cup down. Almost chokin on it, then Cassidy's daddy spoke up. "Well, I'm inviting everyone out ta our place fer some drinks, think we all could use one after a long day of tryin on cloths," he said.

We all decide it's a great idea an just as we start ta walk out, none other than Sherif Clay walks in. He bumps inta me an I move lookin at him, "Ohho sorry man didn't see y'all there," he says.

"Ha ha, ya I bet not," I say.

He smirks at me with a smug smile, then looks at Cassidy who's tryin her best ta not look at him. "Hey doll, how ya doin," he asked her.

She looked at him an rolled her eyes then turned ta Trinity. "Oh I see how this is," he says.

I step closer an lean over cause he's short "what ya think it was gonna be all hearts an kisses after what y'all did, tha way I figure is y'all are on tha wrong side a tha bars," I whisper remembering him tellin me tha same.

"Hm, y'all couldn't prove anythin," he says with a smug grin.

"Mmm, maybe not, but I bet audio proof would," I growl low at him.

His lips part an eyebrows raise, "y'all ain't smart enough fer that," he said grabbin my shirt.

"Really, hm, guess again, that night when I hugged Cassidy, I put a remote recorder on her, figured if you tried any thin than I'd have tha proof ta take yer badge, now get tha fuck outta my face an yer hands off me, ya fuckin dirty cop," I growl so low I can feel my self shakin.

His eyes went wide an he backed up, "oh, an don't try anything, my lawyer has a copy," I say then turn for tha door pull Cassidy in front of me an usher Trinity out.

We walk outside an I couldn't be any more pleased. Truth was I did put a recorder on Cassidy that night an I had all tha proof I needed ta take his badge away an put him behind bars. "What dose yer lawyer have a copy of" Trinity asked.

"Hmm, nothin just a recorded message, I'll fill y'all in later, lets go,"

We got in my truck an started out fer Cassidy's parents house, across tha highway four miles south an two miles west. I liked her parents farm it was quaint an quiet. Not as big as my parents but it was special none tha less, especially Cassidy's flying hill. I smiled ta my self as tha two girls talked an I thought about us on that hill fer hour's just talkin. An dreamin dreams of being together.

We pulled up the lane an there was a ton of people and cars. Oh lord why do I get this feeling there hear fer us I thought. As soon as we got out, they all yelled "SURPRISE."

That just confirmed it, surprise engagement/bridal shower/ and stag, party was the banner that got held out. Cassidy looked up at me an we both shook our heads. Then she leaned over ta Trinity "where was my warning," she said quietly growling.

Blazing Montana Sky's.  Book 2 of series (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now