Dont let go

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Ryan's POV:

Cassidy wakes screamin an fightin an I know she's fightin her demon. I wrap my arms around her an hold her tight "hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey. Heeeeeyyy, ssssshhhhh, yer ok, it's ok, I'm right here baby, it's ok, listen ta me your ok," I say calming her.

Her eyes fly open, her breath heavy an frantic. I wipe my hand over her cheek an brush her hair behind her ear. "Yer ok," I repeat.

Tha sun shinin softly threw the window just risin from tha earth. Her lips crash against me an she's grippin my chest then inta my hair holdin it tight. Needin her tin man ta take it away, I can feel her need fer me. She feels my need fer her an moves her bottom ta accept it. We both melt in ta each other as tha sun rises more, me takin her pain an her givin it.


Cassidy's POV:

We laid there a few more minutes, lighting cigarets for each other sleepily not wantin ta move. Untill I sat up seein a big tractor comin down tha road in tha side mirror. I look down at Ryan layin there heavenly naked an steamy. Eyes closed, bringin his smoke ta his lips an groan "Ryan, huuuu, we gotta move," I say.

"Mmm, I can move," he groans liftin his hips inta me.

I can't help but giggle at his innuendo, "Hmhm, no I mean we're in tha way, there's somethin big comin down tha road," I giggle out.

His eyes open an there a sparklin blue, in tha mornin sun they look better than tha diamonds on my finger. "Hmmm, I don't wanna get up," he moans.

"Ryan come on, I gotta go in ta tha cafe right away, plus my momma is comin out taday with a couple of my friends, tha girls I'm makin my brides maids, I gotta meet them there, cause Trinity is down finally an my other is Shannon, an I need ta get everyone on tha right track," I babbled out like a crazy woman.

Ryan sat up cuppin my cheek "honey slow down, it'll work out ok, no need ta get yer, sweet non pantied butt in a knot," he said smilin then he kissed me.

"Y'all can get dressed while I drive, I'll take tha back way," he says, when I break tha kiss.

Huuu, my Tin Man, what a charmer, I jus can't say no ta him, an last night proved it. I am so tired but I'm hyped on tha fact that he's home. He can help with tha last of tha prep fer tha weddin. It's 79 days away an we still have ta pick our first dance song plus all tha rest of tha songs. He has ta get fitted fer his suit an we have ta find chairs, an arbor ta stand at fer tha alter. Figure out who's gonna officiate, ok I'm freakin out officially I know it's like almost 3 months away but.

It'll go by fast an I want everything perfect, he starts tha truck sittin there absolutely naked. My lord how on earth did I get here, this is all Beth's fault, she done convinced me he was my Prince Charming. Although, he really is, jus drives me crazy with his sexual side an all his handsomeness. Still baffles me why he chose me, why he loves me so much an wants ta be with me.

I love him though an ain't ever gonna stop, my man in all his glorious hotness. Lovin, carin, an smart, hard workin, an tha things he's shown me about a real man. My life was finally turnnin round. It was amazin how much he loved me. I pulled my pants up just as we reached tha mile from town. I could see tha outskirts, an he pulled over. "What ya doin," I asked lookin over at him.

"Well, I don't suppose y'all wan me ta meet yer friend naked," he says chucklin.

"Ummmm, no, that an my aunt I'll be there," I say knowin she's after Ryan.

Blazing Montana Sky's.  Book 2 of series (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now