Trouble undone

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Cassidy's POV:

Trinity, Shannon, Momma an I get in my car car, to start our journey ta Billings for tha fittings of brides maids dresses. As well as my last fitting, Ryan's momma is meetin us there with Lilly so she can pick out her flower girl dress. She's gonna be carrying tha rings too, not traditional but I don't care she's our lil girl. Special in every way an I wanted ta make her as much of a part of this as we could.

She's been helpin me pick out decorations, an she helped me pick my dress too. She an I have struck up a grand friendship, I've even started teachin her how ta play guitar. She absolutely loves it, and she can sing she's got an amazing voice.

We were talking, as the radio played, after momma stopped at the house. Shannon sat in the front seat with mom an Trinity an I sat in the back. Sharing stories an laughing, I was telling her all about my Tin Man, an how we came ta be when my phone buzzed. A text from Ryan,

"There trying to pin me again, this is bullshit," he said.

My mouth dropped open an my eyes started to sting.

"Seriously, did you call your brother," I asked him.

"Not yet but there going that way, fuck sake just when I thought everything was good," he said.

"Baby will get threw this where are you I'll get momma stop there," I asked.

"RCMP Detachment, can y'all call my brother, there fuckin booking me," he said.

"Oh my god, yes I will, I'll be there soon love you, it'll be ok," I said.

"Love you too," he said.

I looked threw my numbers an found Jason's number. Hit call and it rang, an rang, an rang, then went to his machine. I hung up an leaned on the door, then called him back. "What's wrong cricket," Trinity asked.

My eyes started ta sting even more, Jason wasn't picking up. Probably with my aunt and there lying in bed, gag. "There trying to pin Ryan again for the death of his father," I blurted an the tears came flooding out.

"Baby where are they holding him," momma asked.

"The RCMP. Detachment," I choked out.

Trinity held me the whole way an Shannon turned in her seat to hold my hand. The outskirts of Billings came inta view an momma followed tha sines ta tha RCMP office. "There just doin this cause Ryan was around his dads tack, because he cleaned it everyday for him" I said ta Trinity.

"Hey, will get it sorted out," she said.

We all got out an when in after we pulled up. Trinity an Shannon held me tha whole way in, I couldn't stop cryin. If they did this our wedding was in shambles, it would have ta be called off. We walked in an saw them takin Ryan ta tha back where they held inmates.

I went ta run fer him an Trinity held me back, "honey, I want you an Shannon an yer momma ta go sit down ok," she said.

"Huuuu, Trin," I whined.

"Jus go sit down," she said.

We sat down on the chairs as Trinity walked to the counter. Talkin to a woman who called over a detective lookin guy. Trinity went to go back with him, looked at me an winked. Then she disappeared inta an office with the guy. She leaned against his desk an I could tell it was a heated discussion. It was then that I remembered she's a lawyer, a mean one from New York. The man stood up from his desk shaking his head with his hands up.

I could suddenly hear her yell "y'all need ta get that boy out here."

Then it was quiet again an I couldn't hear her, the guy picked up tha phone an made a call. Trinity stood there hands on his desk an the guy actually looked scared. He an Trinity left tha office and went down tha hall where they took Ryan. I couldn't stand this I needed a smoke, I got up an ran outside. Sat on tha hood of my car an lit a smoke, my stomach was doin flip flops when momma an Shannon came out.

Blazing Montana Sky's.  Book 2 of series (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now