Tears in heaven

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Cassidy's POV

The party lives on as we dance our first dance, and our second and third, my feet are killing me. By the time it's time to leave I am all danced out an wantin ta go ta bed. Ryan helps me to tha carriage an we say our see ya afters. Giving Grant an Lilly big hugs before we get in, to take off to the limo that awaits us on tha lane. We didn't want it ta get stuck, we pull up to it an get outta tha carriage.

We walk holding hands to the car and Ryan opened tha door fer me. I climb in an Ryan gets in behind me, the driver smiles then closes the divider and starts ta drive. Ryan pulls me inta him an holds my hand, our fingers folded together.

I lean my head on his chest by his shoulder, and put my one leg over his. Then I start ta trace the veins on tha back of his hand. I love his hands, there so talented, an there's amazing things he builds with them. There rough and hard, and strong, but tender an loving.

The highway was covered in lights from tragic as we pulled out onto it. Ryan an I sitting silently our two hands dancing as his arm is round me. I couldn't be any more in love with this man as I am now. I ran my hand up his arm and over his abs inside his suit jacket.

Happily on our way to tha cabin, the rain coming down now, Ryan leaned over ta kiss me passionately. Suddenly he grips me an a cold shutter comes over me. "Fuck," he breaths out, that is the las thing I hear as headlights shine threw the window.

The smashing of glass and metal chimes loudly and a searing pain rips threw my body as were tossed around. When everything stops darkness takes over I'm in so much pain an Ryan is no longer wrapped around me.

I try to see threw the smoke, my lungs hurting badly. Finally I hear Ryan groan and try to crawl threw the grass the pain searing threw me. I can see a clouded version of my Tin Man tears in my eyes. I reach him finally as tha rain comes pouring down, washing tha blood from his face.

I move so I'm sort of on top of him, to see if he's breathing. "Huu Ryan," I whisper crying out.

"Ryan my god please," I cry my voice unrecognizable to my self.

Suddenly his hand comes up touching my back, and I lay my head on his chest. His heart beat is the last I hear as it turns dark an cold.


It's so warm, so bright, so beautiful. I'm back home on my hill, sparkling wind chimes are tinkling in tha wind. I turn around and see Beth. "Huuu, Beth," I whisper.

"Hello baby girl," she says wrapping me in her arms.

We stood there for what seamed like forever, and then she pushed me back at ams length. "I am so proud of you baby girl, you've grown up so much," she says a tear in her eye.

"Huu, Beth what's goin on, why am I hear, I was with Ryan an, huuu, my god, am I dead," I ask her frightened.

"No baby girl, ya need ta get back, this is, just a visit, ya got so much wantin for ya, I want y'all ta know, I'm here fer you love, always, take care of that Prince Charming of hers, an that lil girl of yer's," she says.

"What, Beth, I, hu," I breath out.

She reaches out an sets her hand against my stomach an winks. "Soon my love, don't ever give up, even in tha hard times," she says.

"Huuuu, Beth I miss you," I cry out.

"Will meet again sweetheart, just remember that I love you," she whispers as she fades away.

"NO BETH I NEED YOU PLEASE DON'T LEAVE," I scream falling to the ground.


My eyes open as I feel a jolt an I slightly see Ryan on a stretcher. Red an blue lights everywhere, as they lift me. "Ok let's get them to the hospital, he's fading," I hear them say.

Oh my god Ryan no, Huu fight please, my mind cries out. My voice is gone an I can't even yell, it comes out a whisper instead "I love you Tin Man."

They move me to tha ambulance an I'm soon hooked up to an IV. I close my eyes hurting in more ways than just tha pain of being in an accident. I can feel tha tears searin down my cheeks, as my past flashes threw my head. All tha shit with Jake, findin my Tin Man, the love I have for him.

I start to pray silently that he makes it, "please god, please don't take him from me, he's my strength, my rock." Tha sirens sound loud as tha ambulance takes off rocking me ta sleep. Everything is dark once more an my nightmares come back ta haunt me.

Ryan's POV:

So much pain, I can hear Cassidy's breathing heavy. Feel her on my chest begging me ta wake up. I can't even open my eyes but I manage ta move my arm. I can feel her against me, "god please help us, don't let this be tha end."


I'm suddenly in a bull ring, there's thousands of people chanting. My dad standing in tha middle like I remember him. He's just won another buckle. "Dad," I say.

"Ain't it beautiful," he says.

"Huu dad, I need yer help, I need ta get back ta Cassidy, she needs me," I say walking to him.

He puts his arm round my shoulder an smiles. "Ya gotta fight son, fight fer what ya want, grab onta it an don't let go," he says.

"Huu, dad I'm scared, I don't know how ta get back," I say.

"Fight, ya need ta fight son, y'all gotta family on tha way, that's tha single most important thing, is family, I wish I woulda know that then, but I love you kid, fight ta get back my buckaroo, always fight fer what ya love, make family yer priority," he says.

"Huu, which way do I go," I ask.

He sets his finger on my chest above my heart. "Right here, son, right here, I'll be with ya, every step of tha way," he says.

I'm suddenly in tha ring an he's gone, so are tha fans, everything's gone. I look around and see Cassidy, she's standing in front of my family an hers. I start walkin towards her, "Ryan I love you," she whispers.

"Huu, I love you too," I say walking faster but just as I reach her she an everyone fade away.

I drop to my knees and pray "please, please take me back, I, I need her,"  I whisper.

I can hear her voice saying "I love you Tin Man," an everything fades ta black all I hear is her in tha bathroom playing an singing her Tin Man song

Blazing Montana Sky's.  Book 2 of series (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now