Growing threw it

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Cassidy's POV:

Two weeks home, Ryan has shaved, an everyone is getting settled. I woke up this mornin to find Bethany sleeping on Ryan's chest. Her eyes open and hand in her mouth, so peacefully cute. Everyone loves her, momma is in her glory, Ryan's momma too.

Even Grant an Lilly wanna be near her all tha time. Grant is very over protective though, if she cries he's right there. The kids are back in school, so weekends are spent with everyone. Grant told Ryan that he wants to stay home and be with Bethany, but. He needs school, an so do I an Beth. Ryan's gonna get a shirt that says bodyguard for my new baby sister. I think it's cute, we're gonna get one for Beth that says, if you give me any trouble, I'll tell my big brother.

Suits perfectly, I fed Bethany an brought her downstairs with me. Laying her in tha rocking bassinet my parents bought us. She slept while I cooked breakfast, then I heard Grant an Lilly comin down the stairs. "Mornin you two, wanna set tha table please," I ask them quietly.

They set ta work, settin it fer blueberry French toast, hash browns an sausage. "Thank you for your help, go wash up now please," I said as I kissed them both on tha head.

Then hands came round me, an Ryan was holdin me tight as I cooked. He kissed my cheek an ran across my jaw, ta my neck. "Mmm, mornin love," he whispered.

"Mornin," I said smiling.

His hands ran over my hips an he pulled me inta him tighter. "Huuu my god I can't wait till I can touch you again," he groans.

"Hmhmhm, couple more weeks honey," I giggle.

A knock comes at the door an then Trinity comes in with a bunch of bags, balloons an stuff. Jason trailin behind her carrying stuff too. Ryan turns round an I put the toast on a plate, an turn ta see them too. "My god woman, did ya forget tha actual building this stuff came from," Jason grumps.

"Hmhm, oh yer such a complainer," she giggles as he sets all the stuff down.

"Gees ya bought tha whole store," he says.

"Hey, there is no limit fer my little niece, get over it," she says.

Trinity comes over an pulls me inta a hug as Ryan gets more cups outta tha cupboard. "Where is my lil girl," Trin asks.

"Hmhm, she's in her bassinet," I say an point towards tha table.

She leaves me an walks over cooing and aweing. "Oh she's jus perfect," she says.

"That she is," Ryan says proudly.

Jason an he pour coffee, an Jason walks over behind Trinity. Puttin his hand on her butt, "she is cute, bet our kids I'll be jus as cute, if not cutter," he says.

Trinity nudges him in tha ribs, an he lets out a growl. Ryan sets his cup down as I slowly set tha plate of French toast on tha table. "Say what," I asked.

"Go on, tell em Trinity," he says, swatting her butt.

"Uhhhh huu," she breaths out.

"Trin," I ask again.

"Jason asked me ta marry him," she said.

I look over at Ryan who's now spittin out his coffee an my eyes grow huge. "Aaaaand," I squeak smiling eyes wide.

"Aaaaaaannnnd, I said yes," she breaths out showin me tha ring.

"AAAAAAHAHA," I scream an grab her in a hug.

Ryan walks ta Jason, givin him a punch on tha shoulder, "welcome ta tha dark side bro," he says.

"Oh my god, we should see if my momma an daddy would come out watch tha kids, we need ta celebrate," I squeak.

With that I called momma, an asked her, she said she would. We ate breakfast, an then sat around, visiting an stuff. It was just around supper that momma showed up, an we fed everyone. Then after that, Trinity an I went ta get dressed. I wore like yoga pants an a tshirt an Trin wore tight jeans an a tank top. I just had a kid, I ain't ready for that again yet.

Although Ryan still liked tha yoga pants, hm, his hands were all over me. I let everyone have there drinks, I had iced tea. Still breast feeding here. I was also being dd, everything was going great, till some weird guy showed up, started talkin to Ryan. "I know who your dad is," he said.

"A lot of people do, he was a bull rider, back off man," Ryan replied to him.

"He's not now," the guy said.

"What tha fuck y'all talkin man, my dads dead," Ryan quipped getting angry by the second.

"Hm, is that what he made you believe," the guy chuckled, setting his hand on Ryan's shoulder.

Ryan looked at him surprised, an stood up from the stool. "Get yer fuckin hand off me," Ryan growled.

The guy threw his hands up in front of him backing up a bit. I moved from the stool to in front of of him, setting my hands on his chest. "Ryan, Ryan look at me, hey, he's not worth it, ok, calm down," I pleaded.

He shook his head and looked down at me, then back at him. "Yer lucky she's here, cause I woulda busted yer head fer talkin shit bout my dad," he growled.

"Hey, hey ssssshhh," I whispered, touchin his face.

"Big G, think bout it," the guy said.

I watched as Ryan's eyes grew big, an he swallowed hard. His lips quivered, an the guy left. "Huuu, fuckin ass, lets go home," Ryan said.

I frowned an told him ok, we found Jason an Trin on the dance floor. Then left, the drive home was so quiet coulda heard a pin drop. When we got there Ryan went straight up to tha room. He started digging threw pictures his mom gave him. Half way threw them when I came in.

He fell against the wall, lookin as if he were gonna fall apart. "Huu," he breathed out.

"Baby what's wrong," I asked him as the light from the fireplace flickered over his face.

I kneeled down beside him, an he fell apart. Leanin over in my arms, I stroked his hair as he sobbed. "My dads alive huuu," he whispered threw his tears...

Sorry for such a short chapter all, had to end it there though to move on to the next step of Ryan an Cassidy's life

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Sorry for such a short chapter all, had to end it there though to move on to the next step of Ryan an Cassidy's life. I am hopping to have the next and third edition to the Blazing series out soon! 💖 lots of love and thank you for reading!
❤️vote, comment, let me know what y'all think❤️

 I am hopping to have the next and third edition to the Blazing series out soon! 💖 lots of love and thank you for reading! ❤️vote, comment, let me know what y'all think❤️

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Blazing Montana Sky's.  Book 2 of series (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now