Whisky and You

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Cassidy's POV:

It's been 2 months since Ryan's been home, and since I've talked to him. I'm feeling very heart broken now, an very fat. Doctors tell me tha baby is growing good an heart rate is normal. I've gone ta all of my appointments by my self cause I don't want anyone's pity. If I gotta do this with out Ryan, than I don't want anyone with me. My life is turning out ta be quite like my heart, empty.

I was walkin back to my car when I saw April runnin towards me. "CASSIDY," she shouts.

Oh lord what tha fuck dose she want, this is just great. I open my door an she yells again "CASSIDY WAIT."

I stop "I have no god damn reason ta fuckin talk to you you lil whore," I growl.

"Ok, I deserve that one, um, I jus, wanted ta tell ya, Ryan didn't do anything, I snuck in his room, I was tha one that woke him up, I'm sorry," she says.

"Huuu, I don't want yer sorry, get tha fuck away from me," I growl an get in my car, slamming tha door. I give her a death look an back outta tha parking spot. Trying ta get my seatbelt on but it's not workin cause of my belly now. I'm now officially 7 months pregnant, an not once has Ryan even called or texted or anything.

My chest is heaving an I start ta bawl, that stupid fuckin slut I shoulda ran over her. I think as I'm driving towards tha highway. Not watching as I go ta turn on an quickly stop hearing a horn. I hold my breath as a car whizzes by me, flipping me tha finger. "ASS HOLE SLOW DOWN," I scream.

Sirens an lights come up behind me an I cry more fuck this year can't get any better. I pull over in tha parking lot of tha gas station an I see Sheriff Bill get out walkin towards my window. I put my head on tha steering wheel an he knocks, I take a deep breath an roll tha window down.

"Morning Miss, do y'all know what I pulled ya over for," he says.

I look up at him with tears streaming down my face. "Lets see, cause I'm a bloody idiot that wasn't watching, no signal light, no seatbelt cause I can't fit it over my baby, I'm missing Ryan an I haven't seen him in almost three months, my blood pressure is outta whack an so IS MY FUCKIN HORMONES, WHAT ELSE CAN WE ADD," I bawl out.

He stands there for a moment an then sets his hand on my shoulder. "Huuuu, find a way ta put yer set belt on honey, an go home, go relax, take a bath, ok, I'll let ya go this time sweetheart," he said as he rubbed my shoulder.

I wiped my face an blinked at him "Huu, ya mean that," I whimper.

"Ya sweetie, go on get outta here," he says.

"Huuu, thank you so much," I say.

Trying ta pull my seatbelt over I finally get it an it's so tight I feel like puking. Suddenly I'm feeling so nauseous, an I need ta get out. I get my buckle off again an open tha door an tha sherif backs up. I throw up right then an there, but then I start feelin very drowsy an dizzy. Next thing I know, I'm blacking out an fallin outta tha car.

Ryan's POV:

I sit at the end of tha bar, an order another Jack. I've been drinking since 9 am, 3 days ago, I haven't shaved in a month an I feel completely empty. Tha love of my life is done with me, an I don't even know what ta say ta her ta make it better. I should never have hit her, fuck am I stupid why do I let my temper get tha best of me. I swallow tha shot that's in my glass. I feel my phone buzzing, an I take it outta my pocket. Lookin at tha screen, I swallow hard lookin at tha name. "Sheriff," I answer, standin up an walkin outside.

"Ryan, not - sure where - are,  y'all need - right now, yer wife - hospital," he says breaking up.

"WHAT, Bill yer breakin up," I yell

Blazing Montana Sky's.  Book 2 of series (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now