Waiting, painfully

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Ryan's POV:

I put all my tools back after cleaning them off, an shut the hood of my truck. Walkin to tha house I seen Jason comin down tha lane. He parked his car an got out, "Hey Ry," he says.

"J, what's up," I say.

"Not much," he says.

Grant gets outta tha car an gives me a hug, "hey buddy" I say.

"Hi dad," he says then runs off round the car.

He opens tha door an Lilly steps out in a full blown princess costume. I laugh an shake my head, an they run off ta tha house stopping ta give Cassidy flowers an hugs. J an I walk to the porch side by side an he gives Trinity a smile. "Hey," he says.

She smiles back at him an shyly, "Hi," she almost whispers. Leaving that awkward silence, he did her, my eyes widen an I raise my eyebrow. I look at Cassidy an she gives me a smile confirming my thought. I look between them both an Trinity is shyly lookin everywhere but at us.

"Well, coffee J," I say, waking him from his one sided starring contest.

"Uh, ya sure," he says an I walk to tha door.

Open it an he goes in I give Cass a look an she smiles. I point my finger from Trinity to the direction J went an she smiles pullin her lips inta her teeth. Then she shakes her head yes, stoppin as Trinity looks at her. I shake my head an go in to find Jason a cup. Trinity an Jason, wow, I think as I walk in the kitchen.

I clap my hands together an open tha cupboard an pass a cup ta J. "Sooooo, you an Trinity, when'd that happen," I ask.

"What, I don't what yer talkin bout," he says, turnin for tha coffee maker.

"Don't give me that shit, y'all know what I'm talkin bout, you slept with her," I said.

"Huuu, don't start with me," he says as he stirs creamer in.

"Never really thought I'd see you with someone younger, it's cool man, don't get yer panties in a knot," I say.

"It jus happened ok, we went fer supper an we went ta get in tha car, she ran inta me an, ya, it kinda jus went from there," he says.

"J, Im not judgin, it's fine man, y'all need a lil spice in yer life, an Trinity is definitely spicy, plus yer both lawyers," I say raising my eyebrow.

"Huu, man you don't know tha half of it, don't think I ever felt that way, at least not in a long time, since Jessie," he started sayin but paused.

I give him a smile, "dude, it's been like 8 years, it's ok ta try again ya know," I say.

"I know, it's just, huuu, hard ya know, I gotta think bout Lilly too, she's been tha only girl permanently in my life fer 8 years, an since Jessie passed I, I don't know, I ain't wanted ta, feel anything" he says.

"I know how ya feel man, I couldn't either if Cass woulda died in that crash," I say.

"Ya, it's not tha best feelin, I mean, Jessie an I grew up together, we planned our life, an when she died I, I think I shutdown," he said.

"Hm, well, no time like tha present ta get back on, an Trinity is a wild cat like ya like em, she's smart, an pretty, an if she treats you an Lilly good, that's all that counts," I said, as I pour my self coffee.

"She loves Lilly, an Lilly likes her, hm, she's so far away though," he tells me.

"Dude, what's wrong with you, use yer imagination man, there's Skype, technology now a days wonderful thing, that's how Cass an I staid in contact, best thing ever," I say.

Blazing Montana Sky's.  Book 2 of series (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now