The longer the wating

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Ryan's POV:

Two weeks since I made love ta Cass, an I'm goin back ta work. Everything getting settled, an court to see tha ass hole that killed my father fry. Trinity came down for a quick trip, just to represent the crown an make sure he got his time. She did just that, she's a mean ass lawyer, I definitely would not wanna be on her wrong side. Jason on the other hand, he thought it was hot, her in her suit dress skirt thing.

Her arguments and her win, he made her go out with him to celebrate. They were definitely a good team, cut throat an driven. Corse he couldn't sit on the case with her cause it was dads case. He did help her though, he was her go between New York and here. It worked good for them though cause they got to know each other too. They seemed to be falling in love, denying it all the way but Cass an I knew.

We woke up at 5am an getting dressed, Cass made me breakfast an coffee an I was out the door. Kissing her in the door way as the guys hooted an hollered. I couldn't help but smile at her when I pulled away. I didn't wanna leave but I'd be back in a couple weeks, an I had my Skype on hand. Her mom and dad were coming to stay with her too while I was away, so she didn't do any heavy lifting, there was a small tare in the umbilical cord but the baby was doing good, growing like it should.

Last Friday I got to see my lil one on the screen, got pictures printed too. An the doctor let me take a picture of it on the screen too. One of the best days of my life, I recorded the heart beat too, it was amazing. I slid in the truck after throwing my bag in the back. Brock looked at me with a smile, "ya good there lead hand, ya need another kiss or what," he said puckering an kissin tha air makin tha guys laugh in tha back.

"Ha, naw I'm good, lets go boss, besides she's already pregnant, did some good kissin there," I said raisin my eyebrow.

"OHHH HOOOO HOO, ya arrogant son of a bitch, ha, I kinda missed you boy," he says laughing loudly as we drove down the drive way.

Cassidy's POV:

The kids an I were having fun spraying each other with water guns as mom an dad pulled up. Just then Grant got Lilly in the eye with water an she screamed bloody murder. I was hot an tired from bein up so long seein Ryan off. "GRANT, IN THA HOUSE, I SAID NO FACE SHOTS," I yelled at him.

He froze an I think he started ta almost cry, then took off throwing his gun. Lilly came ta me an I inspected her eye, it was a little red but ok. Sore an she said it's a little blurry but that would go away soon. My dad came an started ta tickle Lilly an she giggled. He asked her if she could help him with some groceries. Off they went an momma an I went an sat on the swing. "That wasn't very fair of you my dear, he didn't mean too, you know he'd protect that girl with his life,"she says.

"Huuu, yer right momma, I should go an apologize, I shouldn't have yelled at him," I say.

"You ok baby," she asks.

"Ya, jus feelin more pregnant now, an my nerves seem ta be shot lately," I answer.

"Hm, I was tha same way, your what 5 months now," she says.

"Mm, will be right away," I say.

"Hmm, yer the same as yer momma, I had a hard time with my hormones when I was pregnant with you, an I'd eat a house if I could, that an I couldn't keep my hands off yer father," she says.

"OOOOHOOOO K, thanks momma fer tha talk, I'm gonna go apologize ta Grant now, before my ears shrivel," I say laughing.

"Oh honey, gees how'd you get here," she said swatting at my butt.

Blazing Montana Sky's.  Book 2 of series (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now