Pack Up for My trip

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Hakapu's POV

"Hey Star!"
"Ey, what's up"
"Star, come with me and you'll never regret this...I think"
"wait....what would do you mean by I think"
"umm.....HEY! it involves wreaking stuff and....ummm battling monsters."
Wait I don't think there's anymore monsters who wants to fight...welp to Marco I guess.....hehehehee plus i need to see my ship
"...kapu......hakapu?.....Hey Hakapu!"

Hakapu snaps out of her thoughts and gives a cheeky smile to Star
"Oh what are we talking about again?"

"Something about fighting oh AND WREAKING hehehe"
"Star *sighs* you dirty mind"


"Wait what?" They both stood there, one is confused while the other is nervous.

Hakapu: stupid author *grabs a pan hits the author with it* that's what you get now admit it!
Author(me): okay okay shesh sorry, fine...I'm just a bit GM
Hakapu: really? -_-
Author: just shut up and let me continue the story, geez 😒

Hakapu breaks the baffle atmosphere with four words.
"Let's go"

Star's POV

"Your kidding me,.....right?"
Well of course, I want to go back to earth. Where there is freedom and relaxation. Marco is there and if I accidentally meet him then and then the awkward air will surround us.


"Huh?! What are you saying gurl.....I WASN'T THINKING OF MARCO OR ANYTHING! Ehehhehhehe"
good job, Star. No..great job ugh! Why am I always like this.
"oh really?" She said as she smirked.

"So...about going to earth, who are we gonna visit?"

"Oh you'll pack your stuff because you're gonna go and have a sleepover with someone for a week"

"okay but first I got to tell my mom about this"
"I already told her about that"
"hm how about-"
"the reason why I'm not going to the sleepover. Simple I wanna go back to my house and make popcorn or even just continuing my work, annoying people, challenging them, blah blah blah"

what? What is she saying? Is she having a sore throat?!

"Hold on HP I'm going to save your voice from the horrors of sore throat" I ran to the diner room, found one of the servants and politely screamed

"yo servants! Please bring HP a lot of water before her voice is completely gone hurry please!!!!"

Author's POV

"Star, wait!" Unfortunately, she was too late to stop her and instead said sarcastically, "At least I get more water than the delicious apple juice"

"HP I got the water!" She screamed

"Star, I'm not having any sore throat. You were just so deep in thought or you got bored that my voice faded from your thoughts got that!"

"Wow HP, you got me for a moment there." She said as she tried to calm her heart down "Sorry Hakapu"

"it's alright. Now go up stairs get dressed and packed so we can go now!"


Star's POV

I walked upstairs and packed my stuff for a week. After that I got into the bathroom and took a shower to refresh myself.

Since its been I saw Marco, time for me to change my usual style.

I finished taking a good shower and got a white sleeveless shirt with a cute little cloud that vomiting rainbows, a mint green skirt that stops above my knee, and long leggings that can only reach up to my upper thigh and finally red flat shoes.

I finished taking a good shower and got a white sleeveless shirt with a cute little cloud that vomiting rainbows, a mint green skirt that stops above my knee, and long leggings that can only reach up to  my upper thigh and finally red flat shoes

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I came downstairs and saw Hakapu just playing with the flame above her horns

"Hakapu! I'm back~" she stared at me "Star, is this the new you?" She chuckled a bit

"Nope" I said with popping the 'p'

"Alright, next stop earth"

Hey guys sorry it took long for me to publish another chapter i just need some support to give me encouragement and continue on forth to the writer of 1 fanfic only

And i apologize for being late as punishment after i publish this i will do the next chapter and publish it today.

No promises.

Oh god no

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