A Messenger Came

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In the middle of the night

Star POV

*Bang bang*

I woke up at 3am from an unusual noise "Ugh....what's going on." I got to my feet, took slow steps towards the sound. Turn on the lights. Then saw that weird fly who sent me a note from one of the guards in Mewni?

"Princess Star Butterfly of the kingdom Mewni I sent a loyal messenger to tell you that I, James Hicker, have captured the immortal lizard, Toffee. After that, we put him on a high maximum security. Just some information to calm your nerves."

That's so awesome. Guards, I always trust them, like how my parents trusted them to babysit me. Oh well, I'll just tell it to Hakapu tomorrow Then I saw the weird fly.....*sighs* still there "excuse me Mr. Fly, can you go now, 'cause I'm going to bed" the fly just started staring at me......its getting creepy...."okay" after that he fled off through my window.

I really need to double or even triple lock my doors and windows just in case. I closed the lights and slept once more for tomorrow.

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