Long time no see, Star (pt.2)

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Le continuation~

Author's POV
As time passed by through the summer night, the group got closer and closer; to the point where Star felt so comfortable that she gave hints about her real self without her realizing.

After 2 hours of chit-chatting, Marco nudged his arm at Star's elbow making her turn her attention to him. "What?" Star faced Marco with a confused, him replied to her with a gesture telling her to go under the table. "Come on, just get under there." Star did the thing and Marco following after.

The two parents noticed that and took this chance to talk....

Mr. Diaz's POV

"Hun?" My wife turned her head to face me and her award winning smile plastered on her face, but something's off, "What's wrong?" there was a tint of worry in her eyes. "Oh it's just that," she turns her head, refusing to have eye contact with me?! Wow! Girls these days are confusing. WOMAN WHAT DO YOU WANT?!

Then I saw in the corner of my eye the kids coming out of their 'secret place'.


When everyone was settled down, Marco stood up from his chair and cleared his throat. "Mom, Dad, Me and Cindy have to tell you something." Mr. Diaz was going to faint at the thought of Marco having a relationship with her and Mrs. Diaz was ready to catch her husband, seeing his colors vanishing just a tad. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Diaz," Star removed the hoodie, held her wand, raising her arms up and she continued, "Did you miss me?"

Mr. Diaz indeed fainted, unfortunately, Mrs. Diaz was too shocked to even catch her husband. Star stood there, watching Mr. Diaz faint and seeing Mrs. Diaz at the edge of crying her eyes out. It was somehow a bad time to laugh, but Star did, same as Marco.

Once Mrs. Diaz collected herself and Mr. Diaz lives, Marco walked up to them and whispered something that only the three can hear. Star, on the other hand, was also busy in her own thoughts. Thinking about what will they do, after they finally found out, made her feel adrenaline pumping through her veins as more exciting adventures flashes in her mind.

"H-hey Star?" She turns around to meet the eyes, owned by a specific boy that she loves. Not loved, but loves. "I've been meaning ask you something since the day you left 5 years ago and I..uh I" "Just spit it out." Marco reached for Star's hands and squeezed it.

"Star Butterfly, will you be my girlfriend??" She stared at Marco, trying to process on what the heck is happening. When everything smacked her right in the face, she started jumping up and down while shaking Marco's arms. Marco actually felt like Star will separate his arms from his body at any second. "Of course, you idiot! I would never reject you!"


SORRY GUYS BUT YOU CONTINUE THE REST CAUSE I GOTTA GO BEFORE MAMA KILL ME. I can postpone this tomorrow, then you will have to wait much longer and you already waited for a week or three?

Anyway this will be on hold for a while. DONT WORRY when the time comes I shall update with a lot of chapters, so DONT REMOVE THIS FROM YOUR LIBRARY, PLEASE?!


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