After 5 years

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Star POV

I managed to distract Hakapu from bringing me to Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Diaz's house for 4 whole months. Ask me how? I have no idea.

Eventually, I blew my cover and she asked me why. I told her about the party and how he responded. She understood and explained to my mother. Since my mom is being a really awesome mom, she also understood.

So nowadays, I live now in a big house, at the other side of Marco's house for some reason, and go to another school other than Eco Creek.

Marco POV

I think and I'm sure Jackie lied to me, 'cause she told me that Star is here and I don't see a woman running around, screaming for nachos.

After the summer 5 years ago, when I came back to school, I didn't see Jackie for a month. So I guessed she went to another school.

~The Next Day~

Star POV

Ever since the day I came to this new school, I've been hiding my identity.

I joined the badminton team, 'cause my throwing skills are a-ma-zing. Cause of joining the team, I had to wear shorts. Now some dudes are staring at me, it feels so uncomfortable. Man, I wish Marco was here, he would stop those creep, ugh!

The teacher was talking about the science project tomorrow. It's something about doing mixing some chemicals equals to making something cool.

Well, at least there is no grouping. Unlike last time, the boys were playing football during Chemistry period and they accidentally hit a girl trying pour ONE drop of a chemical to the other. She was moved and put 2 drops then KA-BOOM the science lab exploded. It wasn't really the best explosion, but it was still awesome.

~The Next day~

Star POV

"Alright class, get your gears and line up according to your class numbers. We are going to the science lab" the class just fell silent, painfully watching the teacher doing some act to make us smile. I mean she's okay, but she is just too much of an adult?

She scoffed and mumbled "emos" wow, rude.

"Okay so let me start making some craz stuff...let see a bit this and that shaky shaky shaky.....and....."

5 minutes later

"Ugh, my hands hurt!" I was so loud from whining that the teacher woke up from her happy dream.

"Star Butterfly, please keep it down. You're disturbing the class and my beauty sleep."

"Looks like your beauty sleep isn't helping your troll face at all. Here, let me help you." I used my wand to a bring out a box of cheap and used makeup. I slid it to her desk and expected to hear laughter from my classmates but only to hear silence.

Then I realized what I said and I felt bad. I feel sooo bad and embarrassed.

"Oh no, teacher i am so so so-" she clenched her fists and said "Shut it, I'm telling it to the principal."

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