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Marco POV

And.....we kiss, I feel a spark as we kiss like we're meant to be. She broke the kiss, We both slowly opened our eyes. The hood was at her back, not hiding her face. She has crystal blue eyes, sun-kissed hair. As we kiss, the sun sets before us. She was shining, shimmering, SPLENDID!

But when I saw her face and those eyes, eyes that are filled with horror and fear. After a blink, she ran and ran.....away My instincts got the best of me, so I ran up to her. I grabbed her wrist and said "Star, why are you running away from me!?" I saw Star dripping tears, soaking her sea blue shirt.

"It's because I messed up at my school, then the principal transferred me to your school. I didn't want to, but my mom somehow convinced me to go. My mom told me that I can wear a hoodie through the school year to hide my identity." Tears still dripping down her face. "Why did you hide your face?" "Because I wasn't ready to let you see me, even until now.... On my first day in this school, it was lunch. I met you at the rooftop, remember?" "Y-yeah, I remember." "I was afraid you might recognize me, didn't, you even gave me a chance to be your friend. As we continued to hangout, I started to have feelings for you again. I tried to hide it, but every time I see you, every time you talk or laugh with me....I just can't help but enjoy it so much. If you figured out that I'm just Star then you would forget about me. That's my reason for running away."

I was speechless and surprised, but I do love her no matter what. "Cindy- I mean Star, I know you have been through some tough times, but you're not just Star. You are the Star Butterfly, a princess from another dimension called Mewni, a rebel,and an amazing stunning girl who changed an average boy's life into a dramatic, adventurous, and wonderful life. You've even changed those lives around you." All those words are true, but I never got the chance to tell her before. Now I that one chance....I'll take it.

Star POV

After Marco's speech about me, sounds cliché, but I wanted to kiss him so bad, but I stop myself. Of course, it still doesn't confirm that he loves me......who would anyway

As he pushed to our foreheads together, he asked a question that is the first thing I wanted to hear, well 3rd thing. "Star Butterfly will you go....with this average prom" I don't know why, but.... I cried a bit and screamed "yes! Yes! Yes!" Like my life depended on it, then I blush furiously because of the embarrassment. Marco laughed a little and said "what would I do with you?" Something hit me after Marco asked his 'question?' "Marco! Marco! Marco!" I said as I was jumping up and down. "Yeah?" "I wanna know what's Mr. and Mrs. Diaz's reaction when they hear the news that I'm back." "Wanna have dinner with the Diaz as Cindy then reveal yourself as Star?" Marco, you evil cutie I choked a bit when I wrote that part. "Marco you devil, let's just do it after prom. Ok?" "Sure, want me to take you home?" I touch his nose and he rubs our nose together. "Alright, Princess Marco" he made a pouted face as he remembered all the trouble he got with me, it was cute I got to admit. "Hey! That was more than 5 years, grow up Star." we both laughed as he was taking me home


Hey guys, sorry it's not long as usual, but now Starco has rise to
step 1: friends with feelings to each other and stuff
Next step 2: they are official
Next step 3: go through some drama
Next step 4: married
Next step 5: "the unspoken word" and Star would say "Marco~ 12629" you'll understand, if you got the message 😉😉😉 hehe I'm disgusting and evil
And more.

See ya next week, Luv ya guys❤️❤️❤️👋👋

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