Toffee's Plan

128 6 4

Slight swearing, not too much tho.

Author's POV

Toffee was in a high maximum security cell. Where only the biggest trusted guards are there to guard 24 hours non-stop.

The cell was made out of tons of layers with magic of defense and others, so Toffee won't escape. The most inner layer was out of unbreakable, thick, transparent glass. The most outer layer is made out of pure, permanent, dark magic that would kill any thing that step into it.

One of the guards came and slid the container filled with his delicious food. Toffee stood in front of the guard, but magic layers separate them.

"May I have a drink?" Toffee said with no emotions at all as the guard nods his head and went out, not before asking another guard to make sure Toffee won't run around causing trouble while he's gone.

Toffee sits beside his bed while thinking to himself. Once I escape, I'll disguise myself. Sneak in the castle, take a pair of dimensional scissors, go to earth. Then I'll find Star, kidnap her and force the karate boy to be my new vessel. And!-

As the lizard. Man. Whatever he is, was in deep concentration, a guard interrupted his thoughts.

"...-3..923!" Toffee mentally jumped when the guard was like a cat who scared the life out of a rat.

"Yes" he said, his voice sounding like a very calm man, but his face is saying that he just saw a ghost.

"923, what were you thinking about?" Now Toffee had from 'A GHOST! AHHH!' to 'ARE YOU F**KING KIDDING ME?!'

"What kind of question is that?!"

"Sorry Sir but rules are rules" the guard said bluntly

"Don't tell me that Moon ordered you to do so"

"She said that to was to protect her family from your horrid plans. Can't blame her, you did forced Star to destroy her wand or else you'll squish the life out from her best bud, not to mention her crush too-" the guard cut his words by covering his mouth and accidentally slapping his lips which definitely hurt. The guard mentally face palm himself over and over again for giving too much information to the most dangerous, most cruel, bad a**, immortal lizard man. The lizard gave a crooked grin and a low dark chuckle.

"Thank you for the information."

Now I got the information, I am
now a hundred percent sure this is full proof. Star won't know what's coming..

Star POV

As we walked around a beautiful rose garden behind the school, still surprised about that though, Marco and I kept on talking about how our lives were before we met again in the rooftop. I eventually told Marco about Toffee, he shivered at the mention of his name, I told him that he's in a high maximum security cell.

"Star, we still need to be on our toes." Marco said with worry in his eyes.

"Why?" I was curious, so why not just ask.

"Because even though Toffee in a high maximum security cell, he might be able to escape by the guards or anyone's mistakes. Plus, he might know our parents. And I don't EVER want to see Toffee saying to give this or that to me, or else parents die." He did have a point.

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