First Day

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Marco POV

*yawns* Well time to school *sarcastic voice* hooray. I woke up and did my morning routine, bath, brush teeth, dry me, brush hair, deodorant, clothes on, go down, eat, get bag, go school. At exactly, 7:45 am. Waiting for no one.

~At Eco Creek~

I'm the loner of the school. My parents try to make me socialize with other people by inviting people to partying in the house or just invited people one on one or group on one. I really appreciate it, but things are not as fun and exciting after.....someone left.

I took out the books that I need for the following periods til recess, then put in the books that I don't need for now. First class is about to start, better get going to my the back....alone. I am used to this, but sometimes I just feel lonely.

Class started. The teacher took our attendance and taught us about a thing that she calls a "better" algebra. For me I call it, a better algebra to give you a bad headache. Then the principal came in, even though class was starting. So the principal came to our teacher and whispered something, I can read his lips a bit!

There's a new student?! Wait why am I scared, nervous, and sweaty. Is because i thought that the new student It's just another random student...........heh. ......right?

Star POV

Okay so I'm in school, my parents being welcomed for coming back, all students are in class, and im still stuck in this room. .....*sighs* I hope Marco won't recognize me in this hoodie....think positive Star, maybe he went to another school, oh or he's going to be absent for weeks. Oh who am I kidding. He's probably here but in class.

"Star?" My mom called my name out, and I snapped out of my mind, "yeah?"

Queen Moon: Star, you go now; while me and your father are talking to the principal.

Principal: Star Butterfly, here is your schedule, your bag. This is my assistant, Julie. Julie will be with you, as your own tour guide.

Star: principal sir, I went to this school. When it was my first year, so I don't need assistance. If I did get lost, I can ask.

Principal: Oh right, I am so sorry your majesty. I forgot, my sincerest apologies.

Star: it's cool, just drop the 'your majesty' thing okay?

Principal: ok, Star butterfly, you may go to your class.


Principal: Oh Star you are lucky, cause it's your recess.

Star: ok, thank you for your kindness. Mom, Dad, the principal, bye.

When I got out of the room, everyone stopped and looked at me. I walked to my locker quickly, then everyone continued their business. I reached my locker, put on the code, and put in everything that I don't need for now, while looking at the schedule. I was done doing whatever I was doing awhile ago.

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