Chapter 3: "Scraps and bruises"

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Ć H Á P Ť E Ř  3

The dark haired man kept staring at Rogue. Not that she could blame him, she had just told them that she was the world's most infamous assassin.

"Are you really Ř?" His muscles were tense and his jaw was clenched, this just made her grin. "Yes I am." She nodded firmly before looking away from him.

He was riding on the horse behind the one Rogue was seated on. She was on her own horse, since she killed the one who was suppose to ride on it. But or course she had her hands tied and the dark head male was watching her like a hawk.

Also her daggers were taken from her. "A little girl?" He huffed making her eye twitch in annoyance. "I'm not a little girl, can a little girl defeat an army of men?!" She snapped.

He chuckled shaking his head. "You can't, not if you've been captured by us." She smirked turning back to look at him. "I have just recently killed Mr. White, Heathen Valley Kingdoms second in command for the army. And now I've killed one of your men, who says I can't kill all of you?" His face paled and she smiled.

"Now what's your name hmm?" She tilted her head watching his Adams apple pop as he swollowed. "None of your business, now look forward and shut up." He barked making Rogue roll her eyes.

They stopped at a meadow. It was already mid afternoon and it was beginning to get dark. "We shall stay here for tonight. We will begun our journey again at sunrise." The dark head leader stated.

The three remaining men set up camp as Rogue struggles to find a way to get off the horse without breaking something. Seeing her struggle, the leader smirked making her frustration grow.

She moved both legs to one side and stood up on the horse. It started moving, wanting the weight to be removed. She did a front slip, landing perfectly on her feet.

She sent a smug smile to the leader who just growled in annoyance. He gripped her arm and dragged her to a log near the camp fire. He pushed her down, making her scrap her elbow.

Rogue hissed in pain and glared at him, he didn't bother sparing a gaze at her as he sat and began whispering quietly to his buddies.

Rogue sighed and leaned back against the log, she looked up at the orange/purple sky. She couldn't help but wonder,
she did deserve this right?

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