Chapter 16

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Ally's POV:

"How are you?" His raspy voice whispered. His voice was always so fresh and so clean, never the straining one that was coming out of his mouth now. He was not the John I remembered. He was disheveled and ripped now, what ever effects prison can do to a man.

"Bad. How are you?"

"Bad as well." He sighed. He looked up into my eyes, and then back down to his handcuffed hands. "I'm sorry to hear know."

"Yeah," I nodded, "that's really what I came here for." He looked confused, but at the same time he knew exactly what I was going to ask him. "Do you know anything about this? Anything about this at all?"

"The breakout? No. He's never spoken about it before." I sighed. Why would John know? He's been locked up in a different location, he has no contact with Rob what-so-ever.

"Do you know anyone that knows Rob who could've done it, and succeeded?" John but his lip, shaking his head.

"You've got me hanging. That guy always wanted to go solo, if anything happened. Hell, I'm sure he's knows any person for just about any situation. He's never spoken about his plans if he's ever put into jail and needs somebody. Whoever it is, though, is a hell of an intellect for coming up with a way to get that done and not get caught."

"Well, I have no idea what-so-ever of who it is." We both sighed. I don't know why I had such high hopes. I figured maybe he would've hear before I got saved. Maybe a plan just in case?

His orange suit has stains all over it. My mind kept urging me, telling me it was blood. Why would it be blood? John wouldn't hurt someone, unless someone hurt him. I couldn't even tell anymore. My perception of people always seems to be wrong nowadays. Every time I think someone's nice, they turn out to be an asshole. Every time I think someone's an asshole, they turn out to be nice. It's all just jumbled up in my head.

"So that's the famous Louis back there, I'm guessing." John reeled my thoughts away. I stared back for a second, watching nervous Louis with his hands in his pockets. He was staring at Paul, who looked like he was yelling at Louis. Louis kept rolling his eyes, looking down at his feet.

I turned back around to face John. "Yeah." I couldn't help but smile, even at the sound of his name. Every time I heard it, I was flooded with this odd feeling of overwhelming joy. I couldn't explain it exactly.

"You wanna know how I know he's a good kid?"

"How?" He laughed.

"Because every single second I'm talking to you, he's watching with death glare, like he'll be ready to take you and pull you into his arms at any moment. Am I wrong?"

I couldn't help but laugh at the statement. Everyone seemed to have the sense to know that he was so protective over me. I wanted to see Louis's protective side with John.

"Yeah." I smiled, adding a sigh afterwards. "He blames himself for this all," I started moving my hands around, "his brain is shot, his heart is on the crisp of breaking. He's the love of my life, and I'm watching him deteriorate right in front of me." Throughout the whole statement, John was nodding his head.

The conversation had taken a turn to Louis. I felt bad, talking all about myself. My main intention was to come here to find out about Rob, not to socialize. I didn't mind though. I had always liked talking to John, just never in the situation I was placed in. Now, I had the opportunity to talk to him, and relax while doing it.

"So how's...ya know, jail? That came out wrong-"

"It's okay, Allison," he laughed, "and it's pretty awful. The food sucks, the beds suck, everything here sucks. But I know I deserve this, and I'm starting to finally get used to it."

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