Chapter 17

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Ally's POV:

"You're fucking kidding." Louis scoffed. Hard to believe, but I wasn't even fazed by all of this. If he took me, he takes me. It'll put an end to this mess. Then Louis can go on with his life and live a happy life without me.

Tons of people were in the dark room with us, but light enough that you could see each other. They were all guests, visiting the prison. No prisoners were allowed in there, but I knew what was happening. My mind knew that this was because of me, because somehow he knew I was here. He always seemed to know where I was.

"Louis, be quiet." Paul quieted him. Louis was clenching in my hand, obviously angered by the present situation.

"You know what, fuck this." Louis stood up, and let go of my hand.

"What are you doing, Louis?" Louis turned around, not even glancing at me. That's never a good sign.

"I'm fucking going out there and finding out what that asshole is doing." Louis walked towards the door, as a guard stood up and ran towards him.

"Sir, you can't leave, sit down!" He grabbed Louis's arm, but Louis budged off. He was done with all this shit. He looked me in the eyes this time, and sighed. What if I never saw him again? Everything was going into the worst direction. I wanted to stand up and help him, which is what I started to do. Paul pushed me down.

"Don't. He would never allow you to." Louis ran out of the door quickly, followed by a guard. My heart ached, as I grabbed onto the necklace around my neck. Now my heart was racing from the thoughts of what might happen to Louis. "Just relax. He's doing this for you, remember."

Louis's POV:

I'm fucking done. I can't take the constant screaming in my head for one more second. He thinks he can fucking come into here and take her? Ha, not on my watch. The girl, getting up to come with me. I saw it, until Paul pushed her down. She needs to stay out, she can't see this.

As I walked down the halls, it was completely silent. No prisoners were in their cells, and chairs were scattered everywhere. The sound of the guard running behind me was fading into the distance, as I ran along faster than him. I stopped at the end, where I could take two paths. The guard came up and grabbed me.

"Sir, come with me. You have to go back." I pulled away from his grip turning around for him.

"I'm not in this fucking plan! Let me help you catch hi-"

"I can't allow that. Come. Now."

"No. Let me help. I know this person." The guard's eyes went wide. I probably shouldn't have said that.

"Wait, what?" I sighed.

"Not like that. I'm not in on 'the plan'. It's just that his 'team' kidnapped my girlfriend. I'm going and finding him, whether you like it or not." The guard sighed, and nodded.

I'm sick of all this shit, every single time that I think something good is going to come, it doesn't. It seems like we're stuck in the awful story line of a movie, and the problems just keep getting worse and worse. I can't take the feeling of not knowing whether she's safe or not. Ally is probably sitting in that retched place bawling her eyes out because of this shit.

This is all just a constant cycle, and I just keep chasing it in circles until my head gets numb from all the pain. I can't think straight, I'm constantly afraid of what's going to happen, everything is crumbling to the ground. We're stuck inside a tank filled that keeps getting filled with water. His plan is to drown both of us, enough so that he can take her back. That's his plan.

What even comes out of this? He takes her back, I get her, and then he comes back again. He gets put in jail again, then escapes. The constant cycle is just never going to end. I can feel my heart beat speeding up, and my palms getting sweaty. I'm starting to feel exactly what Ally felt every day for months. The feeling of uncertainty, and fears of dying like this.

I'm trapped in myself, and there's honestly no one who knows the feeling of this insanity, even Ally. She doesn't understand how I will fall apart if she's not there. She doesn't know exactly how much I need her. She can mend my broken parts, and Rob knows that. Even when the rest of his team is locked up, he's still able to get out.

A loud thud was heard, and both the guard and I froze. It sounded like a metal chair clanking to the ground. I could feel my heart beat picking up, and my pulse rushing. I felt like I could pass out at any given moment. "Stay behind me, and be quiet." The guard whispered.

We quietly walked down the hallway, and my stiff legs tried not to make any noise. I never knew the vulnerability that could overtake me. It seemed like even though I could try to assure myself that I was strong, it wasn't enough. I was more breakable than ever lately, I just needed something to cause it.

I gulped, as we reached the end of the hallway. The guard and I peered our heads around the corner, and you could see where the scene had taken place. Chairs were scattered everywhere, and you could tell that it was the dining hall. My senses were beginning to lose their consciousness, and I could feel myself getting more and more worried. Was Rob even in here anymore?

I began to walk forward, but the guard pushed me away. Maybe if he hasn't, I would be able to test my skills to see if I was brave enough. The guard gripped his gun, and started walking. I followed behind him, and I could feel my legs shaking. Everything looked so scary, like I was in a movie, and everything was about to blow up in my face.

Another loud thud was heard, and the guard quickly pulled his gun from it's case. His hand was shaking, and so were mine. As we inched closer to the dining hall, I could feel my heart beat picking up more and more.

We reached the end, and my eyes went wide. We were revealed to the sight of a person in all black. They looked like they were searching for something. I had never experienced a situation like this, whereas Ally had. I never knew the feeling of all the blood rushing to your feet, and the pain running throughout your whole body.

"Put your hands up, now!" The guard yelled, the person turned around, and I was baffled. This wasn't Rob. Their proportions, their haughty and stature, it wasn't Rob at all. My breathing stopped, and I couldn't even blink. The person ran the other way, and the guard followed. My eyes fell to their feet, as you could hear the running echo down the hall. But I couldn't move.

I stood there, and saw a picture of Ally laying on the floor. A small, wallet sized picture with a paperclip attached to it, was laying on the floor. They were obviously looking for her. But this wasn't Rob. Everything about them, wasn't him, and my head was spinning my arms dangling at my sides.

It was a woman.

Hey guys. Sorry for never updating anymore. No one is reading this anymore :( which makes me sad. I know this book is probably getting really bad, and I'm sorry for any grammar errors. I would love if anyone would comment? It would mean a lot. :) thank you

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