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to: 860-659-2649
is this u
joon and i had an argument and he deleted half the male contacts i had on my phone
and i tried to remember ur number but i don't know if it's the right one
sent 10:27 PM

to: 860-659-2649
kookie pls respond i'm kind of freaking out
sent 10:32 PM

Jin curls up in his bed. He's been alone for about an hour now, since Namjoon had left immediately after the argument, but he doesn't feel right.

Usually, when he and Namjoon fight, he calls Jungkook to complain or cry or just talk it out, but Namjoon had quite literally deleted the majority of his male friends' numbers from his phone. Jungkook's number had been the first to go because of how close he and Jin are.

Jin feels awful, but it isn't new, and he isn't surprised. Namjoon has a way with words, and he always knows how to make him either laugh until his lungs hurt or cry until his heart does.

Namjoon, Jin thinks, is perfect. He has pretty eyes, kind words, and a suave nature that seems to come naturally. Jin's not like that; he's nothing special. He can't compare with Namjoon.

He loves him, though, so much that sometimes it hurts.

His phone buzzes, and he reaches for it immediately. He really, really needs Jungkook right now.

from: 860-659-2649
Hey um sorry I think you have the wrong number
I'm not your Kookie friend
sent 10:42 PM

His heart sinks. He should've known he wouldn't be that lucky; his luck isn't all that great in general.

It's pretty bad, actually. He doesn't know why he thought he's even had a chance of getting to talk to Jungkook tonight.

to: 860-659-2649
i'm sorry i thought u were someone else
sent 10:44 PM

He feels like an idiot. He always goes to Jungkook to talk his issues away, and he's never realized how much he's depended on him until he doesn't have him there to depend on.

(Jungkook's just like Namjoon in that he always knows just what to say, but he's completely different in the fact that he's always honest about it.

Namjoon has a tendency to twist his words a bit.)

from: 860-659-2649
Yeah I figured
Hey I know it really isn't any of my business but like are you okay
You sounded really upset earlier and I'm a bit concerned
sent 10:45 PM

to: 860-659-2649
yeah i'm fine ty
sent 10:45 PM

from: 860-659-2649
Fine is the universal "I'm going to cut myself send help"
So are you sure
sent 10:46 PM

to: 860-659-2649
dw i've never cut
i have this weird fear of blood and it makes me too uncomfortable
sent 10:47 PM

from: 860-659-2649
Should I be worried over the fact that that's the reason you have for not cutting
sent 10:48 PM

Jin snorts.

to: 860-659-2649
hA no
i'm all good man
sent 10:50 PM

from: 860-659-2659
Listen I know it's not really my place to say anything but um
From what you said earlier I kinda figured some things and
Is this Joon person your bf
sent 10:52 PM

to: 860-659-2649
yeah namjoon is my boyfriend and jungkook is my best friend
that's who the weird nicknames belong to, if you were wondering
sent 10:53 PM

from: 860-659-2649
Just curious
Did he actually delete your friends contacts
sent 10:55 PM

to: 860-659-2649
sent 10:55 PM

from: 860-659-2649
sent 10:56 PM

to: 860-659-2649
he doesn't like a lot of my friends
sent 10:56 PM

from: 860-659-2649
Ah I see
Well um
Don't let him walk all over you ok
Cause you seem really nice and I don't think nice people should let themselves be treated like shit but it happens a lot
sent 10:58 PM

Jin sighs. Whoever he's talking to sounds disturbingly similar to Jungkook after every post-fight conversation.

He wonders why the vast majority of the people in his life are so protective. Namjoon won't let him out of his sight half the time – he ignores him the other half of the time, but that's not really the point – and Jungkook is always going on and on about standing up for himself and not letting others trample him.

Nevertheless, he's grateful for the comment. Whoever he's talking to seems sweet.

to: 860-659-2649
i'll keep that in mind
sent 10:59 PM

The door slams. It's a sound Jin knows too well; Namjoon's home, and if the past few fights they've had are any indication, he's drunk.

to: 860-659-2649
i'm going to go to bed
sorry again for bothering u
sent 11:01 PM

"Jinnie?" he hears boyfriend call from the kitchen. The slur in his voice makes it plain that he's had a little more than just a drink or two. "You still here?"

from: 860-659-2649
Wait um
I want to be friends
If that's ok
What's your name
sent 11:02 PM

to: 860-659-2649
yes it's okay i'd love to be friends
my name is jin
sent 11:02 PM

He's curious now, wanting to know who he's talking to – or at least what their name is – but there's no time as he hears Namjoon's uneven footsteps increasing in volume. He slips his phone under his pillow and closes his eyes, feigning sleep.

Barely a minute later he feels rough fingers caressing his cheek, touching him almost reverently, before a familiar body presses up against him from behind and pulls him close.

"Goodnight, Jinnie," Namjoon whispers, kissing the top of his head, and falls asleep almost immediately.

Jin can't sleep that night.

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