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Letting Namjoon back in was a mistake, as Jin soon learns.

And it's rather anticlimactic, really.

He doesn't come home to see his boyfriend fucking a pretty girl on their bed; he doesn't catch him in the middle of a lie. He doesn't have a huge discovery of a scandalous text or undergarments that are obviously for the other gender.

There's not even a fight.

"You love me, right?" Namjoon asks him that night as they lay in silence. The lights are out, but Jin can still make out the faint silhouette of Namjoon's features in the darkness.

"Of course I do," he says with nearly no hesitation.

Namjoon's lips twitch, but he doesn't say anything. He pulls Jin closer to his body.

The warmth is comforting. They haven't fallen asleep together often as of late, and Jin has missed it so much. He's always hated falling asleep alone.

He loves Namjoon so much.

Right as Jin is dozing off, Namjoon's phone rings. The latter curses softly and pulls away to answer the call. Jin ignores it, wanting to sleep.

"Hello?" Namjoon's voice is low and groggy and one of his hands still rests gently on Jin's cheek. "What's – babygirl, it's nearly one in the morning – "

Suddenly wide awake, Jin feels his heart clench at the words, comprehending the situation. He remains silent and does his best to keep his breathing slow and even.

He's never been good at calming himself down, but he's always been good at acting. He knows how to pretend.

"I know," Namjoon says into the phone. "I miss you too."

The girl's response is animated, her voice higher and smoother than Jin's, and although he can't hear distinct words he can still make out the seductive lilt of her voice through the phone.

His voice isn't like that.

His voice is nasally and quiet and his words are awkward and so different from hers.

"I'm working on it. He doesn't have any idea."

Jin clenches his jaw to keep his lower lip from trembling. He can feel a fresh onslaught of tears coming, and the last thing he wants is for Namjoon to catch on to the fact that he's still awake.

He's very, very glad he took Theater in high school.

"Trust me, doll, I'll be with you soon. Just let me figure out how to break it off with him first, okay? It won't be too long."

Jin is unable to hold back the strangled, distressed noise that comes from his throat. Namjoon hesitates, carefully running his fingers through the lanky boy's soft hair, but he doesn't stop. He's obviously still convinced Jin is asleep.

"What?" he says into the phone. He's speaking in hushed tones, but his voice is slightly irritated. "No, nothing happened – look, he believes everything I've ever said to him, I've got him wrapped around my finger. If I tell him to leave, he will. Don't worry."

Realization washes slowly over Jin – Namjoon is a liar, Namjoon doesn't love him, Namjoon is leaving – and it hurts. He can't deny that Namjoon is right: he really is wrapped around his finger.

Why hasn't he seen it before? Why has he let it get this far?

"Yeah, whatever. That's fine. Listen, I'm tired and I'm going back to bed. We can talk about this in the morning."

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