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"Jin, please," Jimin whines.

"Just this weekend," Jungkook pleads, "then you can come right back."

Jin sighs. "I don't know, guys. It doesn't seem like a good idea."

"Tae won't mind," Jimin adds. "He loves spending time with you."

"It's not Tae I'm worried about, it's you two." Jin gives them a look. "I know for a fact you're going to be fucking like rabbits all weekend if I go – "

"Jin!" Jimin exclaims, coloring.

" – and I refuse to clean cum stains on the, friendly reminder, freshly cleaned couch!"

"You're not wrong," Jungkook says, completely unfazed.

Jimin immediately adopts a scandalized expression. "Jeon Jungkook – "

"Have either of you even been tested?" Jin demands. "At the rate you're going, and if you were like this with your exes, you've got to have at least four diseases each. Maybe five, for Jungkook."

Jimin looks horrified.

"My only ex is Yoongi," Jungkook reminds him. "And we didn't exactly fuck like rabbits."

"That's only because neither of you would bottom!" Jin points out. "And Jimin – "

"Jungkook's my first," Jimin admits.

Jungkook and Jimin are both bright red.

"Oh," Jin says.

He promptly smacks the back of Jungkook's head.

"Ow!" the younger yells. "What was that for?"

"You couldn't have gone easy on him the first time?" Jin chides. "I would've heard him screaming a mile away – "

"I told you to be quieter," Jungkook mutters.

"It's okay," Jimin says hastily, standing on the tips of his toes to pat Jin's shoulder. "He didn't hurt me. Not much."

Jin then rounds on him. "And you!" he screeches. "How can you be so much of a pervert just one boyfriend into your corruption?"

"Stop being mean to him," Jungkook says, protectively slipping an arm around Jimin's shoulders.

"I specifically remember him asking you to get yourself out of your pants and in his – "

"He was hungover!" Jungkook protests.

"Yeah, I was," Jimin chimes in, trying (and failing) to conceal an amused smirk.

Jin can't decide who to glare at and promptly chooses his shoes as his victim.

"Aw, don't be mad," Jungkook coos almost patronizingly. "I was kidding."

"We're sorry, Jinnie," Jimin adds, trying to pull Jin into a hug; the latter pulls away with an incoherent murmur of don't call me that. "Don't be mad at us."

"Yeah," Jungkook agrees. "We didn't mean to – uh – "

"To gang up on me in an argument?" Jin finishes for them.

"Uh.. yeah."

"We're sorry," Jimin says again.

Jin sighs. "I'm not mad, you idiots."



Jin rolls his eyes.

"So can you stay at Tae's this weekend?" Jungkook begs.

"Please?" Jimin adds, pouting effectively.

Cheater, Jin thinks, because Jimin knows he's a sucker for puppy dog eyes. He can't say no.

"Fine," he relents. "But if either of you end up with a disease or a torn rectum when I get back I swear to God I will break every one of your limbs and – "

"Thanks, Jin!" Jimin says hastily, throwing his arms around him. "Kookie and I will use protection – "

(Jungkook looks positively devastated, but Jimin pretends not to notice.)

" – and clean up when we're done, don't worry!"

Jin glowers at them. "You sick bastards – "

"And we love you!" Jimin hurries to say.

"Sure you do," Jin mumbles, shrugging uncomfortably out of the hold. "Okay. I'll let Tae know."

"He already knows," Jungkook informs him. "We got his permission before we asked you."

Jin snorts. "You were that sure you'd convince me?"

"We did, so it doesn't matter," Jimin says cheerfully.


"What was that?" Jungkook asks.


Jungkook glares at Jin. "I hate you."

"No he doesn't," Jimin says immediately. "We both love you."

"Yeah, yeah, okay," Jin mutters. "Now stop bothering me before I change my mind."



we're nearing the end of wrong number, my babies

i probably won't have a sequel, but i'm thinking about doing a prequel?? let me know what you guys want

also tysm to all of you who have followed this story, whether you've been here since the beginning or only recently!! lots of love to all of you :)

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