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"You two are lucky you can't get STDs from kissing, with how much you've been doing it lately."

Jin immediately jerks back, accidentally yanking Tae onto the bed with him. Jungkook, smirking, seats himself at the other end of the bed.

"Stop walking in on us when we're doing it, then," Jin says reproachfully while Tae mutters something akin to damn cockblocker.

Jungkook looks indignant. "It's not my fault," he protests, defensive. "And last time, I didn't walk in on you. You were making out on the couch that all of us were sitting on!"

"I wouldn't call it making out," Jin argues. "Yesterday was more of a friendly peck."

"Last time I checked, friendly pecks don't involve checking for strep throat with your tongue."

"What can I say? I'm a creative doctor."

"You're a Starbucks barista."


Tae laughs.

"So," Jungkook says, eyeing them, "are you two a thing? Or like – "

"I don't know," Tae says, teasing. "Are we?"

Jin immediately flushes. "Do you want to be?"

Jungkook rolls his eyes.

"If you do," Tae says cheekily. His smile drops for a second (which momentarily breaks Jin's heart for reasons he can't pinpoint). "You do, right?" he asks seriously.

Jin, who's now a violent shade of purple, nods quickly and ducks behind Tae's shoulder to hide his blush. "Yeah. Yeah, I do."

"Good," Tae says, relaxing and wrapping his arms around Jin.

"I'd better be your best man, Kim Taehyung," Jimin says seriously, entering the room dramatically and seating himself in Jungkook's lap to glare at Tae with a viciousness Jin couldn't have imagined from the small boy, "or this friendship is over."

"We're not getting married," Tae tries to protest.

Jin makes a noncommittal noise in the back of his throat.

"Yet," Tae adds hastily.

"Sure you're not," Jimin grins.

"Okay, fine. Maybe."

"Does that mean I'm for sure going to be your best man?"

Tae smirks. "We'll see."


"Kidding," Tae says quickly, then changes the subject. "Guys, what happened to letting Jin take a nap?"

"The Advil did its job," Jungkook says dismissively. "And you say that like we've been distracting him, instead of your animalistic, rancid teenage hormones – "

"I'm a legal adult!"


"I'm older than you!"

"At least I can keep my dick in my pants."

"My dick hasn't left my pants, thank you – "

"Okay, that's enough," Jimin cuts in quickly. "Tae, he's teasing, and Kookie, baby, how about you take your dick out of your pants and put it in me?"

"Park Jimin!" Jin shrieks, scandalized, grabbing Tae and putting his hands over his boyfriend's ears. "There are children here!"

"I'll get my dick out of my pants when Jin gets that stick out of his ass," Jungkook mutters.

"Kook!" Jin yells. "You're a child too, you're younger than Tae – oh my God, Jimin, you've corrupted them – "

"I can still hear you," Tae complains.

"Sh, pretend you can't."


"Jimin, the children," Jin emphasizes dramatically.

Jimin rolls his eyes. "Jungkook is hardly a child in bed, you know."

Jin chokes.

"You two can leave," Tae says, pulling away from Jin to usher Jimin and Jungkook out the door. "Go be perverted somewhere else."

"Couch?" Jungkook suggests, wiggling his eyebrows at Jimin.

"We did that last time," Jimin complains. "I was thinking kitchen table – "

"Out," Tae insists, cringing at his friends' insinuations, and shuts the door just as the Jimin shoves his tongue down Jungkook's throat.

"Finally," Jin grumbles as Tae jumps back on top of him on the bed. "I thought they'd never leave."

"You're so nice to your best friend."

"You too."


Jin laughs – a soft blend of squeaks and window wipers that somehow melts Tae's heart – and curls into Tae's side. "I love us."

(It's not quite an I love you – it's too casual, too close to a joke for that – but it substitutes just fine as a promise, and both of them silently acknowledge it.

Besides, Tae thinks to himself, they'll have a much better opportunity for that later.)

"I do too," Tae says, smiling, and Jin wonders how a simple turn of those lips can make his heart race the way it does.

He hadn't wanted to slip again for fear of breaking, but he's already fallen.

He's not broken at all.

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