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Jin feels more than sees Namjoon awaken the next morning. He's memorized it by now: the way Namjoon's breathing picks up ever so slightly, his limbs grow tense, and his lips start trailing kisses down the side of Jin's neck.

"I'm sorry for last night," he murmurs in between kisses. "Forgive me?"

Jin sighs, because although he knows how this will end he's still determined to put up a fight. "Namjoon.."

"I know, I know, I shouldn't have done what I did. But you know I get jealous easily."

He flips Jin over, pulling him close so that their noses are nearly touching, and presses their lips together in a sloppy kiss that was probably meant to be sweet. Jin can still taste the alcohol in his breath.

"You know it bothers me when I see you talking to another guy," Namjoon says. His voice is deep and husky and it makes Jin melt. "I don't like how close you are with Jungkook, because I feel like you like him more than me."

Jin frowns. "You know that's not true."

"And even when you're with your coworkers," Namjoon goes on, ignoring him, "I don't like the way they look at you and the way you laugh at all their jokes. They aren't that funny, Jin."

They are, but Jin doesn't say so. "I – "

"It's like you're going to replace me with one of them. It's like you want to, Jin, and it drives me nuts."

"Stop it," Jin says softly, cupping Namjoon's cheeks with his hands. "I'm not going to replace you. I love you."

"I know." Namjoon lets out a sigh. "I just forget sometimes."

"I'm sorry for being.. touchy," Jin offers.

"I know, baby, I know," Namjoon says, kissing his forehead. "It's okay."

Jin wishes they were always like this. He wishes Namjoon always made feel like this – important, wanted, loved, but Namjoon only pulls away and sits up.

"We need to go to work," he says, and he swings his long legs over the edge of the bed. "I'll see you tonight."

"Okay," Jin says as he watches his boyfriend walk into their bathroom to get ready. He gives himself a minute before he gets up to change too.

And that's it. That's all it takes for Jin to forgive him, it always is, it's always the same. Whenever they fight, Namjoon leaves and comes home terribly drunk a couple of hours later, and the next morning they wake up in each other's arms and make up and they're fine.

Their relationship is easy; it's consistent. They argue over little things, but it's okay. Namjoon can be too jealous and Jin can be too easily swayed, but at the end of the day, they come home to each other.

That's love, Jin tells himself, but he goes off to work with a heavy heart that morning.

He's a barista at Starbucks – a bachelor's from a community college doesn't open a lot of doors, he's learned – and although it doesn't pay too well, it's enough. Namjoon makes most of the money, anyway, and refuses to let Jin go back to school.

Jin had protested at first, but then he'd started working at Starbucks and gotten overly attached to his coworkers. Hoseok and Yoongi are sweet, though, so he doesn't regret it in the slightest.

His phone buzzes halfway through the car ride. He doesn't recognize the number, which isn't a surprise.

from: 860-385-6392
jin r u coming in 2day
sent 8:21 AM

Jin curses under his breath; this is probably either Yoongi or Hoseok, and they're probably a bit worried because he usually tells them in advance if he knows he's running late, and right now, he's late.

to: 860-385-6392
yes sorry i'll be there in like 10 minutes
also who is this i lost a bunch of my contacts
sent 8:22 AM

from: 860-385-6392
tis hobi, my friend
sent 8:24 AM

Jin adds the contact back to his phone, keeping on eye on the road and texting with the other. He laughs at the message; only Hoseok would be worried about his texting and driving when he's supposed to already be at work.

to: hobi
sent 8:25 AM

Five minutes later, he pulls into the parking lot, parks his car, and rushes inside. He's half an hour late.

"Morning, Jin!" Hoseok calls from where he's dumping milk into a blender. "Late night?"

"You could say that," Jin says vaguely. He pulls on apron on, ties it messily, and gets to work capping cups and calling out names. "Has it been a busy morning?"

"No more than usual," Hoseok chirps happily before turning to take another ticket from Yoongi, who's taking orders on the other side of the store.

His day seems to drag by, filled with the same mundane tasks as usual, and although he usually doesn't mind having little to do, he's restless today. The talk with Namjoon weighs heavily on his mind, and he unconsciously distances himself from his friends.

If Yoongi and Hoseok notice, they don't say anything. Hoseok isn't any less cheerful today than he usually is, and Yoongi doesn't ask questions when Jin asks him to send a text so he can have his number. But both of them make a point of not bringing up Namjoon, too, and Jin knows that they've figured something out.

It's not until lunch that he notices an unopened message in his inbox and recognizes the sender as the stranger he'd texted last night. He frowns, realizing he's left him – or her – hanging. He clicks on the chat and goes through the messages.

from: 850-659-2649
My name's Taehyung
Call me Tae tho everyone does
sent 11:02 PM

from: 850-659-2649
Well goodnight I guess
sent 11:05 PM

Jin feels bad for not responding, but he consoles himself with the thought that this Taehyung person is probably less of a stickler about late responses than Namjoon is and probably won't be as angry. He adds the contact name and sends a text back, hoping it counts as an affirmation of the newfound friendship.

to: tae
it's nice to meet you tae
sent 12:28 PM

A minute later, he receives a response.

from: tae
It's nice too meet you too, friend
sent 12:30 PM

Jin finds himself smiling randomly throughout the rest of the day.

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