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Are these kids even old enough to drink? is what's going through Jin's mind as he lays, hysterically laughing, a hopelessly tangled mess of limbs with the other boys on Jungkook's couch.

Then he realizes that it's a bit late to be wondering that now, because all four of them are more wasted than they've ever been.

(He suspects he's the only one who's never been this drunk before, actually, but in his drunken stupor the thought doesn't really register.)

Jungkook and Jimin have started sloppily making out either two seconds ago or twenty – Jin can't really remember – and Taehyung is gripping at Jin's shirt, giggling over a joke he probably can't even remember.

"Guys," Jin says impressively, slapping Jungkook and Jimin's arms to get their attention, "I have a question."

Tae blinks at him. "But you're the oldest out of  – "

"Shhh," Jin interrupts, pressing a finger to Tae's lips while his other hand reaches for the bottle of soju and pours a generous amount down his own throat. "That's irrelevant. Can I ask my question now?"

Jimin nods eagerly. "Is this a pop quiz?" he asks, although with the slur in his voice it sound a bit more like is dis uh pup wiz.

"It's not a pop quiz if he already told us we're taking it, silly," Jungkook points out, equally hard to understand.

"Oh yeah," Jimin laughs. Suddenly they're both laughing, doubling over, howling, and Jin is extremely frustrated.

"Guys!" he whines indignantly. "Let me ask my question!"

They don't really sober up, but he asks it anyway because he's tired of waiting for them to listen.

"What's it like to be in love?"

It's been bothering him ever since his breakup with Namjoon and especially so after Namjoon's sudden appearance at work. Jin been thoroughly convinced that he's still in love with Namjoon, but maybe he's not. He wants him to be happy, yes, and he loves (loved, now?) spending time with him, but maybe it isn't love. Maybe not anymore.

He really just wants to know, because he wants to get over it and he can't do that without understanding his own feelings.

"When you're in love," Jimin starts, hiccuping slightly but still managing to sound incredibly dramatic, "you're always happy. You think of your boyfriend – or girlfriend, I don't discriminate – all the time and whenever you're with them you kinda forget about everything else."

Jin takes another swig of soju, wondering if maybe the alcohol can make him forget about everything else too.

Jungkook nods vigorously. "Yeah! And when they're sad, you can tell, and you really want to make it better, and when you're sad, they can tell, and they usually do end up making it better."

"Yeah, you do," Jimin says cheekily, and Jungkook coos and presses a light kiss to his forehead. "And you just want them, and you don't know how anyone could cheat on their boyfriend – "

" – or girlfriend – "

" – that too, but Jin's gay so it doesn't matter – because you don't want anyone except yours."

"You're right, I don't," Jungkook breathes, initiating another sloppy make-out session.

Tae sniffles. Jin looks over in alarm and immediately pulls him into his arms, enveloping him in a tight hug. "What's wrong?" he asks, feeling a familiar sting behind his eyes too. "Tae, don't cry, please don't cry.."

"They're so cute!" Tae wails, burying his face into the crook of Jin's neck. It's only a minute before Jin starts sobbing too, clutching at the younger boy.

(Jin has always been an emotional drunk. It's clear that Tae is too, although Jungkook and Jimin are giggly.)

"Stop crying," Jimin whines, swatting at both of them.

"Yeah, you're killing the vibe," Jungkook complains. He snuggles closer to Jimin, who inevitably giggles and intertwined their hands.

"What vibe?" Tae quips moodily, but his crying has quelled significantly and he moves to wipe Jin's tears away with his sleeve. "You shouldn't cry either, Grandpa. You're going to get a stroke."

"You're so rude to your elders," Jin grumbles, sulking. He doesn't move away, though, and Tae repositions himself in Jin's lap.

Then Jungkook yawns – which sets off a chain reaction, because Jimin and Tae immediately yawn too – and Jin frowns. "What time is it?"

"Dunno." Jungkook's eyes are drooping. "'M gonna go to sleep."

"Me too," Jimin announces, shifting so that he can lay his head on Jungkook's chest.

Jin thinks he sees them wink at each other as he finishes his bottle of soju, but he dismisses it as a hallucination – which is disturbingly possible, considering how much he's had to drink – as Tae curls up against his chest.

"You're tired too?" Jin murmurs, and Tae hums in assent.

"Jin, can I ask you a question?" he asks sleepily.

"I thought you said you were tired."

Tae smacks his cheek lightly, as if it'll slap the sleep out of him. "This is more important."

"Okay, okay, fine, ask."

"Do I make you happy?"

"W-what? What do you mean?"

"Do I make you happy?" Tae cocks his head to the side, eyes innocent and wide although they both know he's sinfully drunk, asking, "When you're with me, do you forget about everything else?"

Jin finds it a little hard to breathe. "Taehyung, what – "

"Does it make you sad when I'm sad?" Tae continues. "Do you want to make it go away and make me feel better?"

Jin thinks of the wanton tears he'd seen Tae shed not even ten minutes ago, and his heart clenches. Yes.

"Tell me, Jin," Tae whispers, leaning in close. "Do you want to kiss me right now?"

Jin blames it on the alcohol.

"Yes," he hears himself say.

"Then do it," Tae dares him, and then their lips are pressed together and their bodies on fire and Jin's hands are in Tae's hair and Tae's hands are in Jin's and he's never felt like this before -

"You guys are fuckin' gross," Jungkook mutters, making them immediately pull apart, both bright red.

Jin blames it on the alcohol.

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