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"Jimin, fuck – "

"Faster, please, J-Jungkook – "

A thud.

"Oh, Daddy – "


A scream.

"Fuck, baby, I'm close – "

Jin walks out the door as quickly as he'd walked in, severely traumatized. He never wants to hear those noises from Jungkook and Jimin again.

Dear Lord, forgive me, for I am a sinner.

He shudders dramatically, wondering if he and Namjoon had ever been that loud.

Then he realizes that Namjoon isn't his anymore, and the thought sobers him up fairly quickly.

It's not as bad as he thought it would be, he supposes, but at the same time, it's worse. Namjoon isn't his, and it's fine, he's fine, and it doesn't hurt but it so does because although he's sure Namjoon's happy now he can't quite get over the fact that he isn't the reason for it.

She's better than him, he thinks, because whoever she is, she's a good enough replacement that Namjoon hasn't even tried to talk to him.

Jin knows he hadn't left out of anger or spite; he'd left because he knew that the man who had made him smile so much would smile more without him. It's a sacrifice of sorts, and despite knowing that he's better off now than he'd been while in a decidedly unhealthy relationship, he's in more pain than he's ever imagined.

The memories haunt him, now, but there's no going back.

Then he shakes his head, clearing his mind of the unhappy thoughts. He won't let himself dwell on them, not when he has other wonderful people in his life who make him as happy as Namjoon had – or nearly as happy, because some part of him is still set on thinking that no one will ever compare to Namjoon, that no one ever will –

"Excuse me?"

Jin, who's been concentrating rather hard on his shoes as he's stumbled out of the apartment building, looks up. His jaw nearly drops at the sight of the pretty boy standing in front of him, dark-haired and lightly tanned, nervously wringing his hands.

"Um – do you happen to know where Jeon Jungkook's apartment is?" He sends Jin a small smile. "I'm supposed to have a study group thing with him and a friend and I don't know which apartment he's in..."

"Y-yeah," Jin hears himself stutter, "I'm his roommate."

The boy's face brightens. "Can you help me out, then? I have no idea where I'm supposed to be, Jimin – he's my best friend – didn't say and he's not answering my texts."

Why haven't his friends gushed and fawned over this incredibly attractive friend of theirs yet?

"Ah, about that." An embarrassed grin stretches over Jin's lips. "Jungkook and Jimin are, uh, busy."

A pretty flush spreads over the boy's skin, and it's decidedly the most adorable thing Jin's ever seen. "Oh. Okay."

A slightly awkward silence ensues, in which Jin's eyes trail appreciatively over the boy's slender figure and pointed face. He really is gorgeous, Jin muses; he looks more angel than human.

"What's your name?" Jin blurts out before he can stop himself.

They both flush.

"Um – Kim Taehyung," the boy says, covering a smile with large hands. "What's yours?"

Jin feels himself freeze at the name. Tae? His Tae?

The boy – Taehyung, Jin reminds himself – frowns. "Are you okay?"

"Taehyung?" Jin says out loud, unintentionally ignoring the question. His brain isn't fully functioning for reasons he can't explain. "Ki - Tae?"

"Yes..?" He sounds unsure of himself. "Do I know you?"

Jin doesn't realize until then he still hasn't introduced himself. He opens his mouth, trying to explain but his voice isn't quite working right, and after what feels like forever he finally stammers out, "I'm – I'm Kim Seokjin."

Tae's eyes widen comically, and Jin positively melts. "Jin?"

He nods in confirmation, not trusting himself to speak, and something inside him bursts because this recognition is proof and this boy is Tae, the sweet, caring friend he's been dying to meet for so long, and it takes only a second for the younger boy to break into a bright smile and and throw his arms around Jin.

"It's you," Tae says, disbelieving, staring at Jin's face as if he's trying to memorize every curve, every blemish, every detail of it. The corners of his mouth quirk up in a mischievous smirk. "I knew you were a pretty boy."

Jin really wants to tell Tae that he's the pretty one – because he is – but he doesn't want to come off the wrong way. He settles for a joking, "And you call me the pervy grandpa," grinning, and Tae's jaw drops.

"Hey!" Tae exclaims, laughing as he feigns offense. He slaps Jin's arm playfully. "I can't believe you're really here."

"I think I'm the one who should say that," Jin points out cheekily, "because this is my apartment we're right outside of. You're a week early for the Starbucks date, by the way."

Tae, who's been grinning at him, suddenly looks confused. "Wait, you live with Jungkook now? I thought you and your boyfriend live together."

"Oh – yeah." Jin feels his cheeks burn. "I, uh, broke it off with Namjoon. Wasn't working out."

He braces himself for the what happened, like Jungkook's, or Yoongi's milder why didn't you tell me, or even Hoseok's muttered words of comfort and reassurance, but none of them ever come.

Instead, he feels muscled arms tighten ever so slightly around his waist, and he hears words he hasn't known he's needed to hear until now.

"I'm proud of you," Taehyung says softly, breath hot against his skin, and Jin can almost physically feel his world taping itself back together again.

Then there's a snicker, and both boys turn around to see their friends watching them from behind the door.

"Jeon Jungkook!" Jin says in shock at the boy's disheveled appearance, just as Tae chides, "Park Jimin!", and their friends look torn between shrinking in fear and laughing their heads off.

"It's not nice to tell someone to meet you somewhere," Tae continues, pouting slightly, "then end up too busy to tell them where to go."

He tries to glare at Jimin but is obviously painfully close to bursting into laughter himself. Jimin has the decency to look sightly abashed.

"And you, Jungkook," Jin says exasperatedly, but his resolve weakens when he realizes that his friend has purposely set this up so that he could meet Taehyung, and his anger is quelled significantly. He ends up mumbling, "You better have at least used protection," and the youngest boy grins.

"We'll have Jimin and Tae over all the time, don't worry," he says; Jin wonders if he should thank his friend or strangle him.

He quickly decides on the former, though, because the words make Tae blush cutely again and Jin starts to wonder if he's died and gone to heaven, because he's never heard of angels being anywhere else.

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