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Jin soon discovers that Kim Taehyung is quite possibly the cutest human being on the planet.

He's not small, by any means – he and Jin are somehow the exact same height – but he's incredibly innocent and sweet and it's got to be the most adorable thing Jin has ever seen.

Tae starts to visit Jin at work regularly, nearly every other day, and the two miraculously get along even better in person than over text. It's just like how it is with Jungkook: they just click. It's easy to carry out conversations and hold intelligent debates – although they're usually centered around topics such as aliens and the like – and the friendship is easy.

"Hey, Jin!" Tae chirps every afternoon when he comes in after his drama class.

"Hi," Jin always says, reeling from the sheer brightness of the kid's smile, and asks, "How was your day?"

Today, Tae says, "It was really great – " he winks " – but it's even better now that I get to see you."

Jin forces back a blush. "Stop it." He fumbles with the ticket he's holding, grabbing the milk carton and flavoring that's more artificial than not. "You're such a flirt."

"Only for you," Tae quips with a wink.

"Hey, Tae!" Hoseok calls from behind Jin. He too has quickly grown extremely fond of their new friend.

Tae smiles widely. "Hobi!"

"You're so loud," Yoongi complains, but he's grinning a little.

(Even Yoongi has fallen prey to Taehyung's charm, and Yoongi doesn't like anyone. It's hard not to; the kid is really, really cute.)

"Sorry," Tae apologizes, not sounding very sorry at all. His grin widens. "So how long have you two been together?"

Hoseok, who's been chugging a Sprite, spews it all out on Yoongi. "How did you – "

"What are you talking about?" Yoongi quickly cuts in, giving Hoseok a look. "We're not together!"

"Of course you're not," Tae says cheekily.

Jin's staring at them, lost in thought and feeling a bit like a bad friend. "I can't believe I never noticed it before."

"Of course you didn't." Hoseok rolls his eyes. "You're not the most observant – "

"Hobi," Yoongi groans while Tae smirks at the confirmation of their relationship status.

"So you are!" Jin exclaims, pretending he hadn't just been insulted. "Oh my God, that's so cute!"

Hobi turns a delicate shade of pink; Yoongi is nearly purple.

"You," Yoongi tells Tae, "are going to get it."

"Get what?" Tae asks innocently.

"Did you just threaten a child?" Jin puts in.

"He's older than Jungkook!" Yoongi protests.

Hoseok scoffs. "Jungkook is an infant."

"Whose side are you on?"

"This is child abuse!" Jin gasps in mock horror. "Yoongi, you monster! You horrible creature! You disgrace!"

"Shut up," Yoongi mutters, turning away.

"Respect your elders," Jin and Tae say at the same time before both of them burst out laughing.

Hoseok rolls his eyes. "You two are so whipped."

"Like Yoongi?" Tae offers, wheezing, and he and Jin are suddenly hysterical.

"I'm going to quit this job," Yoongi says under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, babe."

"He called him babe!" Tae screeches, grabbing Jin by the shirt. "He called him babe, oh my God – "

"I know!" Jin yells back, laughing, and by now customers are looking at them, but they don't care. Jin leans over the counter and ruffles Tae's hair, nearly wheezing with the force of his laughter.

"How much coffee did you have this morning?" Hoseok asks Jin.

Jin shrugs, still giggling. "A lot?"

He and Tae both laugh harder.

"I'm glad it's you I'm dating," Yoongi tells Hoseok, "and not one of those baboons."

"Baboons," Tae repeats, borderline crying.

"Did you have coffee too?" Hoseok mutters.

Tae nods eagerly. "School is hard, man."

"Aw, you're such a fetus," Hoseok coos.

"No I'm not." Tae flushes. "You're not even that much older – "

"Unlike Jin," Yoongi snorts.


"Well, he's right."

"Excuse you – " Jin starts.

"Grandpa," Tae fires.

There's a collective oooh from Yoongi and Hoseok.

"I hate you."

"You love me."

Jin glares at Tae, but it's halfhearted. He can't really argue.

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