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"My life is over," Tae announces as he walks into Starbucks. It's nearly half past seven – which means it's nearing the end of Jin's shift – and Tae has just finished with the dress rehearsal for his drama class's show. "I'm serious this time. I'm going to die."

Jin stifles a laugh. "Was it that bad?"

"Yes!" the college student wails dramatically. "Jimin and I tripped over each other's legs in the middle of, like, scene 4, and it made him forget his lines which made me forget my lines, which was really awkward, and then my voice cracked in one of my solos!"

"Tae - "

"My life is over, I tell you, over. We got a B at best, it was so bad." Tae heaves a sigh before starting to laugh. "You should've been there to see it. You probably would've laughed so hard."

"Would I really?"

"Well, I think so, at least. After I messed up my solo, Jungkook messed up his, and it was so bad that Jimin started laughing – "

"On stage?"

" – on stage! And the director was like, 'No, guys, this is a serious scene, stop laughing,' and it made it worse because Jungkook started laughing too! So then naturally I started laughing and the three of us were just rolling on the floor screaming and crying and everyone else didn't know what to do and it was hilarious."

Jin's lips quirk into a small smile even though his eyes are focused on the latte he's making. "Does that mean you're over it now?"

"I think so," Tae says. He looks amused at his own outburst. "Thanks for listening to me rant."

"It's not like I had a choice," Jin says, rolling his eyes, but he's joking and Tae knows it. "You came in here yelling about how you were going to die."

"It could happen," Tae grumbles.

"Ah, yes, death by a bad – no, horrible – day at drama. Tragic, really."

"I don't appreciate your bullying."

"But you love me, so you're going to have to deal with it."

"You're right, I do."

Jin's brows furrow in confusion. "What - "

"I do love you," Tae says with a grin. Then, to further provoke the elder, he adds, "Who doesn't, though? You're pretty, you're nice, you're funny – "

Jin flushes all the way down to his clavicles. "Stop it."

"You're so shy," Tae laughs. "It's cute."

The burn in Jin's cheeks intensifies. "Stop it, you're the cute one," he says in a desperate attempt to turn the tables as he slides the drink across the counter to the appropriate customer.

(It's true, though, because Tae really is very cute and Jin tends to think of himself as dashingly handsome rather than something like cute.)

"I know." Tae winks, and Jin wants to either scream or cry over the fact that this boy can go from a cute little bean to someone Jin would probably call 'daddy' in about two seconds.

He glances at the clock, blessing everything he can think of for the fact that his shift is now over, and pulls his apron off to put it in the wash. It's a convenient distraction from his colored cheeks, but he can practically feel the wavelengths of Tae's grin being directed at him.

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