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Jungkook's embrace is warm and comforting. He rubs slow circles into Jin's back, frowning when the older boy hiccups and buries his face into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Kookie," Jin mumbles. His voice is shaky and uncertain. "I don't know what to do. I'm not going back to him but now I'm practically homeless and – God, I should've thought this through –  "

Jungkook pulls back to give him an incredulous look. "What are you talking about?"

"I – I don't have anywhere to go."

"Are you kidding? You think I'm going to let you be homeless?" Jungkook looks shocked at the idea. "You're going to be living with me now, and you can't argue."

"I can't – "

"Yes, you can. You're my best friend, I don't mind."

Jimin gives Jin a look, seeming to have gotten over his initial fear of him. "Don't argue with him. It doesn't work."

Jin sends him a watery smile. "I know." He looks back at Jungkook. "Are you sure you want me here? I won't be offended if you change your mind, I can go back to my parents or find a hotel.."

"Your parents don't even live in Seoul," Jungkook points out. "You'd have to move, which is absolutely ridiculous. You're staying with me."

The words tug at his heartstrings. Jungkook is so nice and kind and caring and Jin doesn't deserve to have a friend like him.

It's suddenly overwhelming, thinking about it, and he wonders why his best friend has even stuck around for so long and dealt with him and his problems –

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jungkook asks gently when Jin starts crying again. He wipes the tears away, but more keep replacing them, and he gives a small sigh and pulls his friend back against his chest. "It's okay. Let it out."

"I'll get him some water," Jimin offers, getting up. Jungkook nods.

"Kookie," Jin sobs, hating the way his voice cracks but needing to get his words out, "she's so much better – you saw her, Kook, she's gorgeous – and she's everything he's ever wanted and she's going to make him so happy."

Jungkook frowns. "You don't know that."

"You didn't hear the way he talked to her." Jin wipes desperately at his cheeks. "He's so in love with her – she already makes him happy, I couldn't do that, I could never – "

"That doesn't mean you're not as good as she is," Jungkook says. "Remember that time I got the flu and you came over and cooked me food every day for a week?"

"Well, yeah, but – "

"And when Yoongi and I broke up and you didn't want me to binge-watch Goblin and eat ice cream alone so you did it with me?"

"Yes," Jin admits reluctantly as Jimin comes back and hands him a glass of water.

"And," Jungkook says, eyeing his boyfriend, "when you threatened to cut Jimin's limbs off if he hurt me?"

"I think it was more than just cutting off my limbs," Jimin reminds them pointedly, and they all laugh.

"Sorry about that," Jin tells him. "I had to make sure you were going to treat Kookie right."

Jimin shrugs. "No harm done," he assures him, and it makes Jin smile.

"The point is," Jungkook says, "you're a great person, Jin, and just because Namjoon is too much of an idiot to see that doesn't mean you should doubt it."

"Thank you, Kookie," Jin mumbles. He sighs. "He's going to be so angry.."

"That's not your problem."

"You're, like, really nice, aren't you?" Jimin interjects randomly.

Jin laughs. "It's ironic that that's coming from the kid I threatened brutally."

"I told you it's fine," Jimin says, shrugging. "You're being nice to me now, so it doesn't really matter."

Jin ruffles his hair. "Thanks, kid."

"He's right though," Jungkook says. "You are weirdly nice."

"I am?"

"Yeah. You help everyone out and never say no to anyone."

"Is that bad?" Jin asks. His voice is quiet all of a sudden. "Namjoon used to tell me I was a pushover."

"He said that?" Jungkook sounds enraged.

Jin sighs. "It doesn't matter that he said it. He was right. I am a pushover."

"No, you're not," Jungkook argues with a frown. "There's a difference between being a pushover and being a good person, Jin."

"For the record," Jimin puts in, "no pushover would leave their boyfriend of their own accord. They'd be too scared to."

"Thank you." Jin sniffs delicately. "Thank you to both of you."

They fall into a comfortable silence. Jungkook's arms are wrapped around Jin and Jimin has his head on his boyfriend's shoulder, lacing their fingers together. When Jin's eyes close and he seems to fall asleep, Jungkook breaks the silence.

"Jimin," he says quietly, as to not disturb Jin, "you don't mind Jin staying with me, right? You know we're just friends – "

"Don't worry about it." Jimin grins at him. "He needs you, and I trust you. I'm fine with it."

Jungkook returns the smile. "Thank you, Jiminie. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Jin isn't asleep, but neither of them know that, and neither of them have to.

He reminds himself not to make a habit of accidentally listening to others' conversations, but this time, he's happy. He's glad that Jungkook has found love in someone who deserves him.

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