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Tae's apartment is much better than what Jin's expecting.

It's not elaborately decorated or covered in pink, but Jin thinks it's better this way. The walls are painted with pastels and beiges; the furniture all matches – Jin still remembers how Namjoon's doesn't – and while it's all worn and very evidently lived-in, he's strangely attracted to it all.

"I know it's not much," Tae says, breaking him out of his reverie, "but, uh – "

"I love it," Jin tells him quickly, which makes the younger man immediately relax. "It's cute."

"Like me?" Tae teases. Jin shoves him lightly, laughing.

"Sure, like you."

"Except I'm cuter."

"Right. Sure."

Tae mock glares at him before brightening and grabbing his hand. "Come on, let's go to my room."

Jin doesn't even have time to make a dirty joke before he feels Tae pulling him down the hall. At the door that apparently leads to his room, Tae turns back and grins, turning the doorknob.

"Welcome," he says grandly, "to my humble abode."

Jin snorts.

"Okay, now you're bullying me," Tae says, pouting. "At least be impressed."

"Yes, Tae, I'm very impressed." Jin lets himself in and plops down on the bed, sighing as the tense muscles in his back meet the soft mattress. "Really."

Tae gives him a suspicious look but lays down beside him. Jin immediately curls an arm around his boyfriend's waist, pulling him close.

It's nice, he thinks, how easily he's become comfortable with Taehyung. He'd taken so long to grow close to Namjoon, despite the coaxing and persuading and kind words, but something about Taehyung is different.

It's in the way he moves: the fluid grace, the fleeting touches, the way their bodies fit together. It's in Tae's smile, in his laugh, in the way he looks at Jin, and Jin doesn't plan on ever looking back.

He doesn't know when or how it happened, but he's fallen so far in love.

"I can practically hear you thinking," Tae complains, breath hot against his neck, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Stop listening, then," Jin quips, grinning.

"Rude," Tae laughs. "Really, though, what's on your mind?"

"Nothing." Jin hides his smile in his boyfriend's hair. "Just – have I ever told you how much I love you?"

Tae looks like he's trying to remember if Jin has or not. "Uh – "

"Because I really, really love you."

Tae flushes. "Jin – "

Jin leans down and presses their lips together, shutting him up, and smiles into the kiss when Tae immediately responds.

(Momentarily, he feels bad for not having expressed his feelings all that much. He remembers Namjoon's eloquence, all splayed out in you're beautifuls and I'm so luckys, and has to admit that it had worked wonders for his self esteem.

It's okay, though, he thinks, because he'd rather show Tae than tell him.)

"You're so perfect," he murmurs against his boyfriend's lips, cupping his face. He moves to Tae's jaw, trailing kisses down the slender neck, adding, "Did you know that?"

"No," Tae says in a small voice.

It takes Jin by surprise. He blinks and pulls back slightly, brows furrowed, gazing directly at his boyfriend. "No?"

The way Tae swallows nervously is enough of an answer that Jin sighs and leans back down for another kiss, tangling his fingers in the younger boy's hair.

"What kind of blind idiots have you dated?" he mumbles, only half joking, and his heart skips a beat when he hears Tae giggle.

"You're on that list, you know," Tae says cheekily, grinning at him.

Jin's jaw drops and he sits bolt upright, making a strangled noise of offense. "Excuse me, I may be an idiot – Kim Taehyung, stop laughing – but I have 20/20 vision!"

Tae snorts. "I think your vision's been failing ever since your trip to the optometrist, Grandpa."

Jin shrieks loudly at the quip, lunging at Tae, but said boy slips out from under his arms and is running for it; Jin spins so quickly he doesn't even have time to be dizzy before he's mindlessly scrambling in the direction of his boyfriend.

A laugh tears itself from his throat as he manages to corner Tae against the door before Tae can turn the doorknob and get out of the room, and he thinks the smile adoring Tae's face is the most beautiful thing in the world. They're both panting, so close their breaths are fanning each other's faces, and Jin's hand is on Tae's waist in a way that hadn't been sensual a second ago but now suddenly is.

"Jin?" Tae says softly, breathing heavily.

"Yeah?" Jin responds, just as quiet.

Tae leans forward, brushing their lips together in a gesture so gentle that a shiver runs down Jin's spine.

"Can I kiss you?"

(It's almost a ludicrous request, seeing as they've already kissed multiple times in the past ten minutes, but Tae's eyes are sparkling and Jin thinks he understands.)

"Please," he breathes.

And the kiss that immediately follows it is, for lack of better words, surreal.

It's intimate and overwhelms his senses in the best of ways, but it's nothing like the raggedly breathtaking kisses that Namjoon has always liked to give. Those kisses are hungry, driven, full of lust and desire; Jin has always hated to admit to himself that he hates the way Namjoon kisses.

But this – Tae – is slow, soft, sweet, and Jin is so in love.

They pull apart only for air, leaning their foreheads against each other's, breathing hard. Fondness swells in Jin's chest.

"Fuck, I love you," Tae whispers, and Jin is too busy smiling like a fool to tell him off for cursing.


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