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"What's got you all smiley?" Jungkook asks as he saunters into the room.

Jin looks up from his phone and grins. "I'm meeting Tae in two weeks!"

"Tae?" Jungkook blinks. "As in Kim Taehyung?"

"Yeah, I think – he's Taehyung, but I don't know if he's a Kim – I thought you said you didn't know him."

"The name is.. vaguely familiar."

Jin squints. "Are you hiding something from me, Kook?"

"No. Definitely not."

"Su – "

"Oh, look at the time!" Jungkook exclaims all of a sudden. "I'm supposed to meet Jimin, gotta go!"

He rushes out of the room and leaves Jin puzzled. The elder shakes his head, dismissing it, and goes to get ready for work.

Starbucks is especially crowded that morning, for some reason, and he barely has time to mumble a good morning at Yoongi before throwing on an apron and getting started. Hoseok comes in a few minutes later; his hair is mussed and his clothes are wrinkled, as if he'd messily thrown them on, and Yoongi whistles.

"Someone had a good night," he teases with a wink.

"Min Yoongi!" Jin scolds.

Hoseok snorts. "More like I slept through all six alarms I had set." He looks at the ticket Yoongi hands him and starts mixing ingredients.

They work diligently, speaking only to call out customers' names, and it isn't until there are only two or three more people in line that any of them say anything. It's Hoseok that brings up the sore subject.

"So," he says to Jin, "you never told us why you couldn't come in yesterday."

Jin reddens slightly. "I had to take care of something." He looks at the cup in his hand. "Sara?" he calls out, and a girl comes forward to take it.

"Family problem?" Hoseok persists.

"Kind of."

Yoongi's listening, Jin can tell. He keeps stealing glances over at them while he scribbles orders on tickets. It makes Jin the slightest bit uncomfortable.

"Chen!" Hoseok announces, sliding the drink across the counter to the first guy who steps forward. He continues, "Does it have to do with Namjoon? Did you two fight?"

"No," Jin tells him truthfully, and he kind of wishes he could say otherwise. He grabs another ticket, hands working desperately, trying to distract himself from the conversation.

Hoseok still looks concerned. "Are you sure? You – "

"We broke up," Jin says shortly.

Yoongi's eyes widen in surprise and he starts concentrating harder on his writing than necessary; Hoseok's brows furrow as he pours some colorful concoction into the blender. Jin turns away and caps the drink he's working on, giving it to the only customer still waiting on one.

He's grateful that he doesn't have to call out the name; he doesn't think his voice will work properly right now.

The boys are silent even when all of the customers are seated and they're left alone. None of them know what to make of the tension that's now settled delicately over their heads, daring each of them to burst it.

Jin readies himself for an onslaught of questions; he's expecting to them to be curious and confused and subsequently pitying, he's waiting for them to ask what happened and since when and who dumped who

"Why didn't you tell us?" Yoongi asks softly, and Jin looks over at him in surprise. Why is that what he's asking?

"I haven't really told anyone," he says slowly. He can feel his breathing start to speed up, and he grips the countertop for support. "No one knows other than Jungkook, because I went over to his house, and – and Jimin, I guess, because he happened to be there – "

"Please don't freak out," Hoseok says, resting a large hand on Jin's shoulder.

"Wh – freak out?" Jin's voice is high-pitched and wavering. "Who's freaking out? Not me - no, not at all, I don't ever – "

Hoseok envelopes him in a hug, cutting off his babbling. "It's okay, Jin."

Jin buries his face into his friend's shoulder, trying to hide the fact that his lower lip is quivering and he's about to cry.

"Let's take him to the back," he hears Yoongi tell Hoseok, and a minute later he's being led to the kitchen, away from the prying eyes of the public, and Hoseok is playing with his hair and trying to calm him down.

"I'm sorry I asked," he says, looking sincere. "I didn't mean to – "

Jin shakes his head vigorously and swallows the lump in his throat. "Not your fault."

"Have you found a place to stay?" Yoongi asks.

"With Jungkook," Jin mumbles. He wipes at his watery eyes – he isn't crying, thank God – and climbs off Hoseok's lap. "Guys, I'm – I'm sorry – I would've told you eventually and I thought I could handle it – "

"It's okay," Yoongi says. "Breakups are hard."

His calm tone gets through to Jin, calming him as well, and the elder internally wonders (for the millionth time) what he's done to deserve such incredible friends.

"I love you guys," he says, grabbing both of them and pulling them into a tight hug. "Thank you so much."

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