Chapter One

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Kara's POV

"Mom, I'm going out!" I yelled out as I walked through the front door. I staggered a bit, waiting for her response of approval.

"Okay, just be back before the sun goes down!" Mom yelled back as she peeked out of the kitchen. I nodded to her and closed the front door.

Today's the day, Kara.

I could only frown as I started off towards my journey for the great mountains. On the inside, I felt like this was a bad idea, and honestly, it really was. But you can't blame a girl for being curious. After all the stories that Aunt Frisk told me, it would be almost a given for me to go out and try to find the hole in Mount Ebott. Mom would always tell me to stay away from the mountain, but what would be wrong about checking out a mountain? I mean, I just want to find where the barrier is, and maybe stay there for awhile.

After all, Mom would always tell me stories about Sans and what he meant to her. She always mentioned how she would love to have me meet him, but I never really understood their relationship until Mom told me to go get something from her room. When I walked into her room, I found a scrap book on her bed, and it was full of pictures; plenty of pictures of some monsters and and Mom when she was a teenage girl. Turning of them over, I could see that she had written little captions for each one.

I feel bad for saying this, but I took a couple pictures. I took three in total.

The first picture was of Mom in a black dress, smiling with a skeleton, which I had assumed to be Sans. He was dressed quite nicely as well, after all, he was in a tux. I read the caption on the back, finding that this was actually a forced date for both Sans and Mom, but it was how they came to be.

The second picture was of Mom and Sans, who were in a trailer of some sort. Mom told me that she had ridden with the monsters all the way to California, which was roughly a five day drive from where we lived. In the picture, it showed Mom and Sans blushing, and some monsters in the background to be laughing at them. I figured that the monsters in the picture were Mettaton, Undyne, and Papyrus. By reading the caption on the back, I found out that Mom had given him a new, blue jacket. I knew he lost his first one.

The last picture was group picture. It was an odd picture though. Seeing all of monsters in it, you could see all of them where there, including Asriel. Here's the weird thing about it though, everyone was on edge. Everyone seemed shaken up, and almost tense enough to jump one another, but still, they looked sane. From reading the caption, I found out that this picture was taken half way through the war. Why it was taken was beyond me.

Looking around, I could feel the wind brush against my face and chills reach up my spine. It was a good thing I brought a jacket.

It didn't take much for me to make my way out of the town I lived in and towards Mount Ebott. As I made my way closer, I could that around the mountain was a barbed fence with a sign that read "KEEP OUT", but I figured that rules were meant to be broken. When I reached the fence, I weaved myself in and out of the wiring, causing me to easily make my way to the other side. If they really wanted to keep people out, they would have constant security here...stupid people.

Sighing, I looked up at the at the mountain, and began to climb. Aunt Frisk had told me plenty of neat ways that she climbed the mountain. In her youth, she would often go off and explore this place, so by listening and trying to picture her descriptions of the area, I was able to nimble up the mountain quite easily. I eventually reached a small, wooded area, complete with shade and a small spring, where I stayed to rest and wash my face. Here, I started to review all of the things that I had kept in my backpack.

Inside, I found a water bottle, my phone (normally it would be in my backpocket, but because I had to climb up rocks in some areas and I didn't want to lose it, it was kept in my backpack), some bandages, some cash, a house key, a peanut-butter and jelly sandwich, and a container filled with mashed butterscotch-cinnamon pie (it fell apart on the journey here). I also had those three pictures in a small pocket inside of the backpack.

Satisfied with what I brought, I fished out my phone and the three pictures, stuffing them into my back pocket. I always liked having those pictures with me, mostly for safe keeping. They were Mom's pictures after all, and she didn't have very many. Losing those pictures would be like killing someone.

I zipped and placed on my backpack and started off into the woods. It wasn't dark; the trees weren't close to each other, so sunlight would pass through quite easily. The only problem I really had was the fact that it was kinda cold, but even then, it wasn't too bad.

Some of the fallen leaves would crunch under my feet as I traveled along the dirt floor. If I had remembered correctly, the hole that led to the Underground should be nearby. Scanning the area, it didn't seem like there was anything special here. I mean, from a glance, it was really pretty, but it looked like it was just a place for a hidden get-away, not for a huge hole that led to a whole other race of entities.

Frowning, I decided to walk further into the woods, and amazingly enough, I got myself lost about three hours into my search.


Now, if I was like my Mom in her teens and I could fly, this wouldn't be a problem. But, the thing is, I'm not exactly her. I'm her daughter. And being her daughter, there was no flying in me.

To make the situation even better, I didn't have service up here, so there was no calling home either.


I sighed and found myself a tree to sit next to. With some fumbling, I pulled out my sandwich and started to munch on that. It actually tasted pretty good.

As I ate, I glanced around me, and all I saw were trees and plenty of vines around. There was a small clearing that opened in front of me, and it allowed more light in for better visability, but other than that, I was really bummed that I haven't found the barrier yet. From how Aunt Frisk explained it, she made it sound like she found it quite easily.

Welp...time to keep trying, I guess.

I crumpled up the empty sandwich bag in my hand and stuffed it into my backpack. Still holding onto a half-finished peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I pulled myself upwards to stretch, when I caught something move out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head towards the movement, but it appears that nothing was bothered, which was odd.

Cautiously, I reached down to grab my bag, but before I could do so, something wrapped itself around my ankle and dragged me away from my backpack. Of course, I yelped when I hit the floor, but I wasn't ready to get dragged across the dirt. I squirmed and thrashed around, trying to fight whatever was pulling me along, but with just a couple of glances, I could clearly see that a vine was dragging me along.

I couldn't process that much within that sliver of time, and before I knew it, I was falling. There was nothing but dark walls around me, and boy, did I scream up a storm. Frantically, I tried to wrestle with the air and the whistling winds in my ears. Looking up, I could see that the bright light of the surface world lessen into nothing but a tiny speck.

And it was at that moment that I hit the ground.

I lifted my head up, struggling to keep consious. I saw stars and black holes in my vision, so with a final attempt to stand, I fell to the floor and lost myself to darkness.

"She's not the one."

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