Chapter Nine

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"Sans, what's the point in all of this?" I asked as I followed his movement. Quickly, I picked up his attack patterns, copying them as they appeared.

"I already told you, kid." He growled as I felt a bone jab into my side, causing me to fall over. "So you could learn to live in a world like this."


I shook my head as pulled myself off the ground.

"Why'd you hit me?!"

"That was a test, kid. Just to see how aware you are of your surroundings."

I started to grumble to myself, feeling the irritation start to settle within me. Of course, I was hit again, making me stumble towards him.

"Hey!" I could feel my voice begin to whine as he grinned and sent more bones at me. My body would stumble from side to side, trying to dodge the bones, but the bones would jam into me hard enough to leave bruises on my skin. "Stop it!"

I glared at him, seeing that he seemed somewhat satisfied with my desperate cries.

What the heck is wrong with you!?

"Alright, alright." He grinned out and sat down on the ground. I was scared to actually join him, and when he saw that I was, I felt a bone push me towards him. "Sit down, kid."

I refused and rolled away so the bone would only push itself into thin air. Again, I felt myself stuck in fear and I slowly backed away from him, hesitant to follow his instruction.

"Kid." Sans growled at me, narrowing his eye sockets. "Come here and sit."

"I'm not your fucking dog!" I screamed out at him, suddenly feeling a sense of guilt wash over myself. My hands covered my mouth, which began to taste bitter. Oh my God...

Horrified with myself, I clamped my mouth shut, just holding my hands over it. Glancing at Sans, he bursted out laughing.

"Oh my God, kid! You are really that fucking ashamed to swear? Geez, what did (y/n) do to you?" He chuckled and shook his head against his hands. "What did she do to you..."

I watched as his hands moved to cover his eyes, his shoulders shaking from his compressed laughter. At least, it appeared to be.

"Oh God..." His voice quivered, and with that, I found myself rushing over, kneeling down next to him. I don't know why I did, after all he had just inflicted bruises onto me.


"You're too much like her..." He mumbled out, refusing to look at me.

"L-like Mom?"

"Yes!" He yelled out, causing my hand cower away from him. "God! Both of you are so fucking stubborn!"

I didn't know what to say and when he found that I was going to stay silent, he just shook his head as if trying to push away his emotions.

"Why are you so much like her..." He groaned, almost as if he as in pain.

"You can't blame me for being like her..." I muttered, trying to get a better read of his face. His hands were tight against his face, so with my own, I slowly pried it off of his skull, exposing those red tears.

I was slightly startled by his burst of emotion, and out of surprised, I blinked at him. At this, Sans just hid himself away again, now showing off his practiced grin.

"You speak like she does. You have the same habits... Heck, if you weren't so nice, you'd probably have the soul of Determination like she does." He spat, almost as if he hated me. "Whatever in fuck's name happened to your dad? Was he just some jackass that didn't teach you shit, 'cause literally, you and her have more shared traits than I would've imagined."

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