Chapter Four

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After Flowey and I cleaned up, I worked myself into the closet and placed on some light pajamas. Of course, I reached towards the green plaid sweats and a white tank top. Green was my color.

I then searched around the house, finding a lonesome, empty flowerpot to put Flowey in, that way I wouldn't squish him when I slept. He said that he couldn't be seen, so I just slid him under the bed and behind some stray boxes, that way he was away from sight.

With that, I said good night to the flower, placed myself under the covers, and fell asleep.

"Wake up, human. You're not apart of the future for this place, at least not as of yet. Please, leave while your soul is still innocent and not bound to this wretched world."

I felt myself blink awake, almost startled from the weird voice in my dream.

"Huh?" I found my breathing irregular and my heartbeat racing. For some reason, I was on edge and scared for my life. Okay...focus. It wasn't that bad of a dream. It was just a voice.


I yelped at the sudden voice and pressed just against the neighboring wall as Flowey's head emerge from under the bed.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, now looking around the room for anything that could seem threatening.

"Yeah, yeah... Just a dream." I said, now bringing myself back to reality. It appeared that there was something unsettling about this place, and I needed to leave. Whoever tried to talk to me in that dream was telling me to leave. Who was that?

"A dream?" Flowey asked, now seeming curious. I nodded and slipped off of the bed, making my way towards the closet. "What was it?"

"It was just a voice telling me that I have to leave." I said as I went through the closet and started to fish through all of the clothes.

"It was just a voice?"

"Yeah, but it had this really weird vibe to it and it kind of scared me." I said, feeling childish as I did, but it was the truth. From the closet, I pulled out my old outfit and a pair of black leggings (it was cold down here and my bare legs were not going to tolerate the lower temperatures).

"Scared you..." Flowey muttered as I turned to him. "How so?"

"I don't know...but I feel like we should probably, right now..." I said, now feeling that dread nip at my stomach. 

"Good idea." Flowey said as he brought himself to look away so I could change. It was quiet as I pulled all of my original clothing on, and all I could do is think. What happened? Why am I suddenly so desperate to leave? What did that voice do to me? All they said was a warning...

I pulled myself to the floor and turned to the box that Flower was behind. With a steady hand, I pushed aside the box, revealing the drooping flower.

"Let's go." I said as I pulled out the pot and let him latch onto my arm. He nodded up at me, giving me the notion to stand up and start walking out. Before I left the room, I checked my backpocket to be sure that I still had the pictures. They were there.

Walking out into the hallway, I could smell a pie baking, and just from the smell, I could tell that it was butterscotch-cinnamon pie. As quietly as possible, I crept over the wooden planks, trying to not make a sound. When the stairs came into sight, Flowey had finally made his way up my arm and latched himself onto the back of my right shoulder.

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