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Just telling you guys this now... This is my first Fanfiction I have ever written but I promise you guys this is going to be good. Please bear with me.


You just moved to Korea from the United States and your eomma wants you to start school already?!?! Isn't that crazy?!?! You can't go against her words since you're too young to live on your own right now.

You suddenly had to move to Korea because your eomma and your dad got a divorce. You say Eomma and Dad because you are half Korean and half American. You can guess who's who. You weren't very happy when you heard that your eomma and your dad got a divorce and you were certainly not happy about the fact that you had to move away from a country you've been living in your whole life.

After your eomma graduated from highschool, her family (including her) moved to The United States and your eomma graduated from Yale and became the one of the most well known prosecutors of United States. As she was handling her cases well, she came upon a public defender and lost a case against him. She was shocked because it was the first case she has ever lost to, then she gained interest in the public defender. That public defender is your dad and they eventually had a beautiful baby girl and named her (y/n).

You start to unload your belongings and your eomma calls you down for breakfast.

"(y/n) come down for breakfast before I accidentally eat all the food," calls your eomma.

"Alright eomma! I'll be there in a minute!" You yell back making sure she hears your response.

Just as you come down, you smell something different than what would usually be for breakfast.

"Eomma, what is all this?" you ask.

"It's what your halmeoni used to make for us back before she..." she trails off.

Your halmeoni passed away when you were at the age of five. You are now a senior in highschool and you're preparing yourself for tomorrow's first day of school as a transfer student. Your eomma stars her own law firm in Seoul and it already became widely known. Your eomma's firm opens tomorrow when you start school.

It's the first day of school and you put on a uniform that you're not used to wearing (because they don't wear any uniforms in your school at The United States) and eomma drives you to school. You barely slept a wink last night because worry about how you are going to survive in school for not being fluent in Korean, and how you are going to make friends?

You get lost in your trail of thoughts until your eomma yells your name and you realize you've arrived at school.

"We live near here so tomorrow, you're going to have to walk here on your own," says your eomma.

"Ok eomma, drive safetly," you respond before she drives off.

Your first move is to head to the main office and speak with the principle. You arrived a little early so you have time to look for the room of the main office. When you get there, you find the principle and feel relieved that she is fluent in English.

"Hello and welcome to Beyond The Scenes Highschool. I am your principal so feel free to come to me and ask any questions. I will be happy to answer them," the principle says as you arrive at the office. She has a little bit of an accent but you can understand everything she says to you.

You head to your classroom and the bell rings. You just stand outside of your classroom beginning to get cold sweat and the teacher calls you inside.

"Students, this is (y/n) and she will be joining your class starting today. She just moved here from The  United States and I heard that she's not very fluent in Korean yet so is there anybody here who is possibly fluent in English?" The teacher questions.

Lucky for you, a guy near the front raises his hand and the teacher tells you to sit next to him.

This is it! You think to yourself. This is going to be my school from now on. It doesn't seem bad to you when you wandered the halls earlier and you feel relieved.


I'm sorry I didn't get to write about Jeon Jungkook yet but I promise you it's going to be in the next chapter. Also if you guys are real armys I bet you can guess who you're sitting next to in class!!!

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