[11] Apologies

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You wake up and find yourself lying on the couch. You look up and see Jungkook sleeping on the couch across you. You remember what happened yesterday and you stare at him. You look at how peaceful he sleeps. You think to yourself Wtf.. he looks like a total fuckboy when he's awake. How can he look so adorable and innocent while sleeping? You giggle to yourself at your own thoughts and you look at his lips. His lips looks full and beautiful. How can a dude look so much prettier than me? You ask yourself once again.

Your mind goes blank. Your heart took over your body and you didn't realize what just happened until the clouds in your head clears and you find your lips pushing against Jungkook's. You quickly pull away and look back at Jungkook. He has a big smirk on his face. You go back to the couch you were sleeping on and throw a pillow at him.

"Hey! What was that for?" He says.

"What the hell! You were awake and did nothing?! I bet you peeked you pervert!" You retort. Your face burning red.

You calm down and look at him. He looks back. Silence. Then he starts puckering and makes kissing noises. You grab another pillow and throw it at his face. He grabs his nose and lies down on the couch in pain. You run to him.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay? Are you bleeding?" You take his hands away for you to find another smirk.

"YAH! You think you can pretend to be hurt in a situation like this!" You look at the bandaids on his face and his exposed knee.

"Why? Not your style? Think you're falling for me?" He says giving you a playful glare. You give him your famous death glare and walk towards the door leading outside. You open it.

"Get out. I don't want people having the wrong idea," you say while pointing at the exit.

"Why? I was just having a little fun. Loosen up," he says.

You decide to not respond and flinched at your door, indicating him to get out.

He starts walking and before walking out the door, he grabs your right wrist, the same one you used pointing out the door.

"Don't regret this sweetie," he says. He gives you a wink and walks out of your vision.

That's the bell indicating the start of school. BTS starts to arrive to the classroom and you turn to give Namjoon a dirty look.

"Yes?" He says after sitting in his seat next to you.

"Yah! Why'd you let me sleep through practically the whole school day?!" You whisper still trying to yell.

"Well I didn't know what to do but you looked so tired so I let you sleep. By the way, here are the notes for yesterday," he says as he hands you a small stack of paper.

"Oh. Mian. Thanks too," you say grabbing the small stack and shoving it in your desk to put in your locker later.

People around the classroom started staring at you and you thought you were used to it but it was only girls who would whisper about you. This time, guys are also staring at you. You see one guy body checking you while having a seductive smile on his face. You look away and turn to face Namjoon.

"What happened now?" You ask, wondering if a new rumor spread about you.

"Well... From what I've heard, Choi Heejoon saw you and Jungkook walk to your house together and he went inside with you. He said he waited there all night to see if Jungkook was coming out but it was passed twelve in the morning so he ditched afterwards," he responds.

"What happened?" He finishes, giving you a worried look.

"First of all, I want to hear what you think about this?" You ask while wondering whose side Namjoon takes. He hesitated a little before he got his answer out.

"(Y/N), I know you're not the person to do what everybody thinks you did. I think you have an explainable reason as to why you brought Jeon Jungkook to your house. If you don't want to tell me or if you don't trust me, that's just fine," he says with a saddened expression on his face and his two hands up indicating that he surrenders.

You give him a hug, happy with the fact that he fully trusts you and is willing to give you space, but you do plan to tell him what happened.

"It's alright. I was planning to tell you in the first place anyways. So, I was walking home until~" (a/n - sorry guys, I'm too lazy at the moment to rewrite the practically the whole chapter just for this explanation so I'll skip it) after he I told him that Jungkook told me his secret, his eyes got wider.

He relaxed after you finished explaining everything and pats you on the shoulders.

"Okay. I'll tell the others that after class," he says and gives you a heartwarming smile.

"I'm sorry! It's all my fault that these kinds of rumors are spreading around," Jungkook says to you almost right after the class ended.

Just then, Taehyung shows up.

"I'm sorry. You didn't respond to my texts so I figure you're still mad. Give me another chance. No! Just don't continue to be mad at me because of my mistake. I really want to still be around you, even if you don't feel the same feeling as before. You don't even have to date me. We can just hang as friends like be~" Taehyung stops as you put your index finger up to his lips, making him shut up.

You pull him into a hug because you were in a good mood.

"It's okay. Mistakes happen. We can still be friends," you whisper to his ear.

He hugs you back after you said that. Then he backs away, giving you his huge box smile, showing all his teeth.

You look around and see Namjoon talking to the rest of BTS (also known as Jin, Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok) and they nod, showing they understand what Namjoon is explaining to them.

You give a big smile after everyone created a circle around you. Hoseok and Jin then takes both your arms and you guys start walking down the halls.


I wrote this chapter long to try to make up for the days I've missed! I hope you enjoyed every bit :))) !! I'll try to update every other day at least. Have a great day my readers!!

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