[21] Fiance

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Infront of you is...

A door.

You open the door to see a family consisting of four people. You see one of them is Jungkook!

His eyes widen then he looks down, looking sad.

Wth? Does this boy have anything against me or something?

"Come on inside," you say, opening the door wider to let the four person family in.

They start to walk towards the middle of the room and you try to walk to Jungkook. Then somebody steps infront of you. Oh no! You recognize that face anywhere.

Your body started to tremble remembering what happened.

It's Jungkook's hyung.

You take a glance at Jungkook and he continues to look down.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)" he says before grabbing your right hand and placing a peck on it.

You give a nerves laugh with a disgusted look on your face. You are not happy to meet him again. You bow your head a little with a terrified look in your eyes.

I bet he doesn't even know it was my from before.

And you're right. Jungkook's hyung never looked at your face when he kidnapped you along with Yoongi.

"Oh! I see you have met your fiancé's family," your future step bitch says while walking down her stairs. She was wearing a long red dress with a really high cut on the side, supposing it's the fashion of it. How the hell is her underwear not showing..? OMG SHES GOING COMMANDO!! You thought as she took her steps, her cut sliding higher and higher but still no sign of panties.

"Yes, my future step bi~ I mean mother. It seems so," you say.

You aren't planning to go against having a marriage with Jungkook like... your baby boy is about to become one fineeeee specimen.

Everybody is seated at the dining table. Everything on the table is cooked by the bitch's chefs. It's tasty.

You are seated between Jungkook and his hyung. You can't help but wonder why Jungkook and you haven't made eye contact yet. Is he avoiding your eyes?

"So how do you feel about the wedding, (Y/N)?" Jungkook's eomma asks.

"Well, I'm kind of nerves to be honest," you say, twiddling with you fingers on the table.

"Aw, you so cute," Jungkook's appa remarks.

Oh no! You feel a blush coming on from the compliment.

"You're nervous? Well at least you're not against it anymore," your dad says and the family break out in laughter.

"Heh heh," you let out a nervous laugh CUZ YOU'RE SO FREAKING NERVOUS!!

"So what do you think of your fiancé, Kyeongjin?" Jungkook's eomma says.

"Excuse me?" You say with a surprised and confused look on your face.

Kyeongjin?! Who the hell is Kyeongjin?!

"Yes Kyeongjin, sitting besides you. And his younger brother, Jungkook," his eomma points out and you feel like you've held in your crap for 4 whole days and 3 nights and you need to let it out.

"Excuse me while I use the restroom," you say then you head to your room.


This chapter is short but it does say a lot. And dang you guys. Keep guessing that it's Jungkook... tsk tsk.


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