[18] News

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Your eyes widen as you realize what Jungkook has done.

You try to push him off but your arms refuse to move. You then realize you are kissing him back.

He breaks the kiss, being out of breath and looks deep into your eyes. You look back into his eyes then you break the stare.

You look away and start blushing. He puts a hand under your chin and turns you head towards him, making you stare into your eyes. You and Jungkook lean in once again.

"I SAW THAT!" You hear.

You turn before kissing Jungkook, thankful for the interruption, to find Jimin and Hyejin walking towards you. Hyejin gives you a smirk and then a thumbs up and you giggle and look down at the floor.

"I totally saw you guys having an all out make out," Hyejin states and you blush madly.

"Why? You wanna kiss me too?" Jungkook jokingly asks Hyejin and she just rolls her eyes.

"That was a long time ago, and you were totally Jungshook!" Hyejin says and sticks her tongue out at him.

You look at Hyejin confusingly and she gives a look saying later. You give her a 👌 sign.

"Since we all found each other, let's walk together till we all have to meet up," you say and everyone agrees.

It's 5:00pm and you all meet up. Seokjin suggests a restaurant for dinner and you all agree and drives to the restaurant.

The seating on the table is:
Seokjin J-Hope Jimin You Suga
Namjoon Taehyung Hyejin Jungkook

You guys order your food and you get a bowl of salad and a steak with coconut shrimp. After you order, everyone looks at you with a face of concern.

"You sure you can finish all that?" Namjoon asks and you just happily nod.

"I'm just being nice to the person who's paying," you smile, looking like an innocent angel.

Everyone's eyes went wide and you smile sheepishly.

"Guess what hyungs," Jungkook started.

Everyone's eyes are on him, curious.

"Me and (Y/N) didn't just have one kiss, we just k~ OW!" He ends with a big pout probably along with a big bruise you might have just gave him...

"Shush you face hole!" You say and cross you mr arms with a pout.

"Owie," he mumbles, reaching his hands down to probably rub his leg.

You feel something touching you. Due to your quick and smart reaction, you instinctively kicked whatever was touching you. The table jumps and Jungkook's head rises to the table.

"Ow! My hair accidentally touched you leg my queen. Gosh," Jungkook says sarcastically and you deeply feel sorry about kicking him... in the face but in someways, you kinda felt accomplished.

"Whoops," you say and just shrug your shoulders.

After everybody is done eating, you all agree to go home. They all know how to drive except you, so you had to ask for a ride.

"Hyejin, can you drive me home?" You ask.

She just responds with a wink and then she taps Jungkook's shoulder and whispers something in his ear. You look at her weird and she gives a thumbs up.

"My dad wants me home right away but I asked Jungkook to drive you home and he said he could," Hyejin says with a proud smile on her face.

You eye her and she looks away. You can tell she is lying. (Caught in a lieeeee~ jk...) and you give her a cold, hard glare. She isn't looking but she can feel your eyes practically staring a hole through the side of her head.

"Lighten up, (Y/N)! It's just a car ride home," Jungkook says but you keep you eyes boring through Hyejin.

You, Hyejin, and BTS heads to their cars and you are forced to follow Jungkook to his.

"You better not try anything, Jigglecock, I mean Junglecock, I mean Jungkook!" Dammit! You say and thought. It just slipped.

You guys hop in the car.

"That totally turned me on," Jungkook says while reaching over to you.

You shut your eyes tight to wait for something. You feel Jungkook's warm breath on you face. Then you hear a click and the breath fades away. You heart pumping so loud, you're pretty sure Jungkook can hear it.

"I'll keep my word to not try anything if you don't first," Jungkook says with a wink.

You roll your eyes in fake disgust and turn away, face red and pouty.

"I wouldn't dare," you say.

"We'll see about that," he says.

Cocky isn't he?

The car ride was silent.

"So.. the kiss," Jungkook says, breaking the silence and having one hand on the wheel and the other caressing his lips.

"What about it? You freaking attacked me," you say back.

"I didn't attack you! You kissed back!" He defends.

"That was an accident,"

"Kissing back cannot be an accident,"

"I'm an exception,"

"No you're a bitch," he jokingly responds.

You hear that it's a joke and you play back.

"Well this bitch is about to fricken square up and throw some hands if you keep pushing my buttons," you respond, throwing your balled up hands in the air, infront of your face.

"Why? So you can throw some hands on my ~"

"That's it! Hold my weave, sidehoe! Yo face is about to be messed by this bitch!" You jokingly say.

You both start laughing and you just notice that he stopped the car. You look out the window and realize you arrived at home.

"Ok! Welp! Boo bye! It was fun while it lasted," you say, getting out of the car and waving your hands.

"I'd love to see you fight one day!" He yells.

You giggle and throw hands in the air then you turn around and head to you house.

You smile to yourself without noticing and enter the door.

You find your eomma sitting on a couch in the living room and she looks up from her phone to you.

"What are you so happy about?" You eomma asks.

"Nothing, I'm just back from dinner with BTS," you say and she shakes her head.

"Are you dating one of those seven hotties?" You eomma asks and you look at her with a worried expression.

"No mom and ew," you say and start heading up the stairs.

"By the way, your dad invited you and I to his wedding in America," she says and you feel tears start to brim at your eyes.

Jungkook The Player ☑︎ (Jeon Jungkook Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now