[22] Dream?

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After everybody has left, you go shower, wipe off your makeup, then hop right to bed.

"What the hell is this step bitch up to, setting me up with a psycho?" You mumble to yourself.

An image of a hurt Jungkook when he locked Jungkook in the basement popped in your head.

"OMO! If one of my son is to become heir, will the other one get crazy like Kyungjin too?! Oh hells no!" You continue to mumble to yourself.

Your mind races as much as Seokjin's stomach capacity for food. It's endless.

Eventually, after what seems like FOREVER, your eyelids start to get heavy and you start drifting off to sleep.

"Wake up, (Y/N), wake up!" You feel someone is shaking you. You open your eyes and peek through the window. It's not even dawn yet.

"At least wait till the sun rises," you say, stretching your arms.

"(Y/N) this is important! You can't marry Kyungjin Hyung, you just can't," Jungkook says, shaking his head while looking down.

"What the fuck are you talking about? This is an arranged marriage, it's not like I have a choice," you say, still stretching.

"Run away with me, let's elope," Jungkook says.

You feel your heart stop. Elope? Does this mean he loves me. Right?

"What's that supposed to mean?" You say.

"That means let's run away and get married," he says.

"Tsk! I know what elope means. I mean why do you want to elope with me?" You ask a little frustrated at his smart mouth.

"Well, duh! It's cause I love you," he makes a playful pouty kissing face at you.

"Now go pack up," he says with a now serious face.

You get off the bed and start walking to your closet.

"And where do you think you're going," future step bitch says as she opens the door wide with my father behind her.

He looks at you with a blank face. Then he turns his head at a surprised a frozen Jungkook.

"Go back to bed," your dad says, sounding dead serious.

You don't want to make him angry so you crawl in your covers and you look up to see your dad dragging Jungkook away from your room.

"Please be careful, Dad! He didn't do anything wrong," you plead, your tears running down your eyes,"

Then you lie in your bed after they slam your door shut. You close your eyes.

Did I fall asleep? You think, looking outside your window to find the sun shining up. You run your eyes and feel a dried stream of tears that ran down the side of your face.

Ok, either that dream was real or I was sleep crying. You think again. You head to the bathroom to find your eyes red and puffy. You splash water all over you face, hoping it would help the look of your eyes, but it doesn't really work.


"Yes?" You call.

"Breakfast is ready, ma'am," you hear Alfred say through the door and then you hear footsteps walking away.

You head downstairs to the kitchen after 10 minutes of doing your morning routine to find your eomma cooking breakfast.

"I thought Alfred said it was ready," you say to your eomma and she glares at you.

"His name is Griffen and respect him, he's older than you, and ALSO, I asked him to get you down ASAP cause I have something to tell you," she says.

Is it about last night? Is it not a dream? Where's father?!

"First off, wheres father?" You ask and you mother gives you a stern look.

"He said he had some work to take care of, and what I want to tell you is, isn't the younger brother of your fiancé one of your friends from school?" Your eomma asks.

Dang she's good.

"Yeah, and honestly, I think I've grown feelings for him. But that little bi~"

"Eh eh eh! Watch your language," your eomma says, stuffing your mouth with a whole pancake before you can use profanity.

"Sorry Eomma," you say after swallowing.

"As I was saying, she arranged a marriage with me without me knowing. Kudos to her knowing she chose the right family to wed me off to but she chose the freaking psycho brother," you continue.

"And what makes you think Kyungjin is a psycho?"

"He kidnapped Jungkook, HIS OWN BROTHER! Do I have anymore I need to say?" You ask, turning to face a surprised expression on your eomma's face.

"And last night, I don't know dream or not, but Jungkook asked me to elope with him and Dad and his fiancé took Jungkook away! Just what kind of work does Dad mean?" You ask your eomma. You start to feel confused. Dream or not, you need to see Jungkook again.


I have fed you guys so much recently. I feel I must feed you hungry children so here's a snack. Enjoy!

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