[20] Dinner Plans

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"DAD WHAT IS THIS ABOUT ME HAVING AN ARRANGED MARRIAGE?!" You yell once you spot your dad getting out of a foreign car.

"Calm down, (Y/N). It's not a big deal. You and your mom will live happy if you get married to him. He's rich and I hear he's a very good looking man," your dad says calmly with a straight face.

You get so mad, your face feels like it's a stove and your blooding is boiling hot.


You dad gives you a shocked look.

"And who is that?" He says with a sassy voice.

"Jeon.." wait. Who am I to love Jungkook?

"Jeon? That's the surname of the man your marrying," he says with a happy expression.

Could it be? The person you are marrying might be Jungkook. He is rich. And good looking.

"We invited them over to dinner tomorrow so you can meet him and be familiar with him," you dad says before he walks off.

Golden Asshole: Hey (Y/N)! I'm on a flight to America rn! I hear it's going to where your staying at! HMU!!!

Oh god! Does that mean your theory is right? Your dad did say they invited them over to dinner tomorrow.

You: ok! When r u gonna get here?

Golden Asshole: tomorrow morning but I can't do dinner. My family and I have plans.

They have plans? Does that mean...

You: ok we can meet up for lunch at a cafe nearby the place I'm staying at.

Golden Asshole: DEAL! See u later princess ;)

You: ew (--;

You put your phone down. You can't wait till tomorrow. You were missing Jungkook and his cute bunny teeth but you don't want to admit it. You don't want to tell him about the marriage yet cause you want to surprise him.

Rumble! Rumble!

It's 9:17am in the morning and you are still in bed. You roll over to the side of the bed, where you phone is and you check your text.

Golden Asshole: I HAVE ARRIVED!!!! Where r u?! Pick me up from the airport pretty please 🙏 :(

You: but it's so early...

Golden Asshole: it's 10pm at Korea and I'm hungryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!

You: fine! What airport?

Golden Asshole: XXXXX airline

You: I'll be there in 20 mins.

You stumble off bed and but on a red, oversized hoodie with black leggings and a black pierced baseball hat.

"ALFRED!!!!" You yell through the halls.

"Yes ma'am?" He pops up behind you and you let out a high pitched scream. Luckily nobody can hear you because this house is REALLY big.

"Take me to XXXXX airline please," you say in a sophisticated manner.

"Yes ma'am, follow me," he says then leads you to a limo.

"No big sign? No welcome hug? How about a little peck on the cheeks," Jungkook says, leaning his cheeks towards your face.

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