[19] Step Mom

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*Lands in America*

"Ugh! Eommaaaaaaaaa another minute~" you say swatting your hands at your eomma so she can leave you alone. It doesn't work.

"Come on! We're here already!" She says back, yanking your arms.

You and your mom walks out of the plane and grab both of you and your mom's luggage. You look around and see some dude dressed in very nice clothes but they make him look like a butler. He's holding a sigh and you look at it.

It says '(Y/N) and (Mom's name) I'm here to pick you up'

The guy has a straight face on with his ridiculous poster but you have zero to no idea who the hell that man is.

So.. you do the most logical and smartest thing you can think of at the moment...

"Sir do you need something?" You say, tugging on your eomma's arm and the sleeve of the man.

"Yes Ms.(Y/N). I am looking for you and your mother," he says while bringing the sign down.

"Wrong person. Let's go eomma," you say and start to walk away.

Before you could make 1 meter between you and the random man, it's you eomma's turn to tug you.

"I'm sorry for her rude behavior. Her dad did tell me someone is going to be here to pick us up," your eomma says before taking a bow. You take a look at her and bow your head just slightly.

"Yes, I am the mistress and her soon-to-be husband's butler," he says, giving you and your eomma a full on 90 degree bow.

He bowed so low, you thought a part of his fake-looking hair was gonna fall off but sadly, it is still intact after he got up. He must have gotten it glued on well.

"Pftsh, then call me ma'am. Let's go eomma. Alfred, take the luggage," you say, trying to be as mean as possible.

You do feel a little bad for the man that he has to deal with you but you are pissed. You can't believe your father is already engaged! Your eomma and dad's divorce hasn't been a year, NO half a year, ago.

Alfred (that's what you've always wanted to call a butler) (Anybody know why?) takes you and your eomma to a mansion. The mansion isn't like... humongous but it is huge.


"(Y/N)! Watch your profanity," your eomma calls out.


Really though, it was your eomma who said 'damn'.

Then all of the sudden, an image of Jungkook pops in your head. Why though?

The car stops and you jump out and run into the front entrance of the mansion.

"Hello! Nice to meet you! You must be (Y/N). I'm your soon-to-be step mother," some lady with a very rich look says.

You give her your glare and then you walk up to her. She takes a few steps back but then she stops walking, thinking you might get intimidated. You're now about a meter away from her and you take you phone out of you pocket.

"I want the wifi," you say, sticking the phone in her face.

Honestly, you're just trying to get her to not like you and you're hoping that'll make her change her mind about marrying your father.

She, in your opinion, bitchily grabs your phone out of your hand and her fingers fly around your screen. She hands the phone back to you and you grab your phone the same way she did to you. You both have a staring contest and she blinks.

"Hmph," you say before you turn around, making sure your long hair flies in her direction and you turn to Alfred.

"Alfred, where's my room," you say in the bitchiest tone you can muster.

"I'll show you the way, ma'am," he says and starts walking towards a hall.

"His name is Griffen by the way," you hear your future step bitch call out but you don't care. You like to keep up with your fantasies.

Alfred opens the door to your room and you walk to find a plain looking guest room. Everything inside is all white. You don't care at the moment.

You flop on the bad and whip out your phone. You go and find a group chat with you and BTS.

You: Guys! I landed in America and now I'm at a big ass mansion

Little Snakeu: Did you meet your future step mom yet?

You: Yeah

Eomma #2: Omo! Is she nice?

You: Not from what I've seen. She looks 10 years older than my dad too so ig my dad found himself a sugar mama.

4D Alien: What's so bad about a sugar mama? I want one!

God Destructo: Tae.. what do u think a sugar mama/daddy means?

4D Alien: When the person gives you all the candy you want! 🤤

You: I wish.

Golden Asshole: V, I heard that clang. Get out of my house and stay away from my candy cabinet.

4D: Darn it Kookie!

Where those jams at?: You can come to my house for candy, Taetae ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

4D Alien: Pass

You hear a knock on your door.

You: ooh! Gotta go! Boobye!

Golden Asshole: I'm too innocent!

God Destructo: That's a load of shit.

You giggle then put your phone down.

"It's open!" You yell.

Future step bitch walks in.

"Please, call me Mom #2 if you must," she says.

"Sorry, I already have one."

She gives you a 'da fuq' face and you get up to stand.

"If you want explanations, the door is here to tell you. On the other side. Of my room," you say.

"This is my house," she says.

"Oh, I know. By the way, can you tell me how my dad managed to seduce you so I could use it for future references? I want to have a sugar daddy just like dad does," you say and finish off with an innocent smile.

She looks at you with an unamused expression.

"Okay then! I'll ask my dad. You could've just said no," you say, pushing her towards the door.

"Hold on! My cousin's cousin, you know, one that's not blood related to me, has a son who hangs with too many girls and he wants his son to settle down so, I recommended you,"

"Bitch," you mumble.

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing. What do you mean by 'settle down'?" You ask innocently.

"Meaning you and him are getting married," she responds with a smirk on her face.

This bitch did not.

"How bout my parents?" You ask hoping they said no.

"Your dad finds it nice for his daughter to have a definite future with a man," she says, still with that smirk.


Hayo! I kinda changed the main character's attitude but she does have to be mean to continue with her plan. What do you guys thing about the future step mom and the arranged marriage?

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