[17] Let's Go Shopping!!

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"Hyungs~" Jungkook whined as you and BTS crowd around Jungkook.

"Let me get it out of the way, shall I? Virgin," he points at his eyes. "Virgin," he points at his mouth. "Well, at least used to be," he says with a hint of sarcasm in his voice while glaring at you. You just stick your tongue out at him. "And last but not least," he points at his crotch, "virgin."

"Okay! Welp, let's move on before (Y/N) gets uncomfortable!" Jin says, obviously interrupting something Jungkook was about to say next that you would probably feel unpleasant hearing.

"Thanks mama," you say and you lightly punch Jungkook on the shoulder.

He pouts and gives you a glance with a faked sad face.

"How bout mee!" Somebody interrupts. "I'm a virgin too!" He starts to fake whine. You turn to find Hoseok with a pouty face while flailing around.

"I don't think you want to join Jimin in the jamless section do you J-Hope sweety?" Namjoon asks while patting J-Hopes shoulder.

"Jin~ Namjoon's picking on me~!" Hoseok whines.

"Goodjob, Joonie," Jin says as he and Namjoon high fives each other.

"Hmph!" Hoseok exaggerates while slumping on a chair with crossed arms and legs.

"One day, Rapmon! I'll find those jams you've been hiding from me," Jimin says while looking around and under a table at the mall we're at.

"Okay! We're getting off track here," you say, steering clear of the boys going against each other.

"Anyways~ Jungkook! Not even any temptations?" Taehyung asks.

"Oh you poor innocent child," you say, tsking and shaking your head left and right.

"Innocent my ass! He peeks over my shoulder while I'm watching mmmmhmmpphh," Namjoon was about to say until Jungkook covers Namjoon's mouth.

"Ew! Jin Hyung~ Namjoon Hyung just licked my hand~" Jungkook says it the same way a five year old would while they tattletale.

You just roll your eyes at his immaturity. You're just judging but honestly, deep down inside of you, you're way more immature.

You feel your phone vibrating in your butt pocket (A/N- that's what I like to call the back pocket of jeans or shorts 😬) and you look at the caller's ID. Lee Hyerin. You pick up the call.

"What up?" You say.

"I see that you're out with Mr. Junglecock there," she says. You can feel her smirk through the phone.

"Excuse me?"

"You know, Jungkook,"

"Well his friends are here too,"

"Oh, I know that,"

"You creepy~ are you stalkin?"

"Well I don't consider this stalking if I'm staring at you back without you noticing... but, you can call it whatever you want,"

Then she hangs up the phone. You turn you attention back to the guys bit they're all staring at you. You look at them with a confused look then feel hands on you shoulders. Somebody then whispers a 'Boo' to you and you bounce a little because you got creeped out, but you can figure out who it was.

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