[23] Jungkook?

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"Does that mean you like... wait no, love Jungkook?" Your eomma asks.

"I'm not fully sure but... I think so. I mean, he's been on my mind and I don't know what to do," you tell your eomma, tears brimming your eyes.

She puts her hand on your left shoulder.

"Just follow your heart. I won't get mad at you. If your happy then I'm happy," she says and then you both lean in for a hug.

It all must be a dream...

You see your dad walk around the halls but he smells terrible.

"Dad, I think you should go and take a shower. You really stink right now," you comment.

He nods to you and walks towards a door.

You start to roam around the house because you've never really been anywhere except the living room infront of the front door, your bedroom, and the kitchen.

You seem to have been dazing off because once you look around, it's dark. A hanging lightbulb that's flickering is the only source of light.

You see a door at the end of the hallway and you start walking towards it.

You put your hands on the doorknob.

"What are you doing?!" you jump at the sudden sound.

You turn around to find the future step bitch with crossed arms and a tapping foot with an angry expression on her face.

"I-I was j-just curious~" you stuttered.

"You are forbidden from entering this room," she says then she walks away.

Tsk tsk! Who gives a damn of what that witch says.

You quickly twist the doorknob and a sudden reek enters your nostrils. The smell gives you a bad feeling but curiosity over threw the disgusting smell and you continue to go down some stairs. Once you meet the end of the stairway, a flash of light shines in your face and you vision gets blurred.

"(Y/N)? Is that you?"

Your vision is still blurry from the sudden flash of light but you can recognize that voice from anywhere.

"Jungkook?" You say.

"(Y/N)! Get away now! Run away! Your father and my brother are crazy for power. Go! Get away from me!" You hear.

You hear little sobs trying to be muffled and you know Jungkook is crying.

"I can't leave you, not like this," you say, you yourself is sobbing.

"You have to! Marry my brother and stay safe. Please promise me you'll be happy," he says, letting his sobs be heard.

"I can't! I can't be happy!!! Not... not if I'm forced to be without you," you confess.

You hear a slight gasp.

"(Y/N) go! I don't love you anymore! Just get away from me!!" He says.

Your heart feels like it just jumped from a cliff.
He says he doesn't love me anymore.

"Still, I can't just leave you here like this. You look so bloody, like you came out of a horror movie," you refuse.

"Just get away from me! I don't like you! GO!" Those words hurt you.

You cry. You don't try to hold your tears back. Rivers are flowing from both your eyes as you run out of the room, not caring for Jungkook anymore because he hurt you so much.

"What's wrong, dearie?" Your eomma asks.

"Nothing! Please just leave me alone!!" You screeched, while crying in your pillow.

"Sweetie, what happened. Please open this door and talk wait Eomma,"

You sniffle then head to the door. You head to the door then unlock the door followed with a *click*.

"Oh my baby what's the matter!!!" Your eomma yells while wrapping her arms tightly around your neck.

"It's *sniffle* it's nothing *sniffle*," you say while trying to maintain your sobs.

"How can I believe that this problem is nothing when you have locked yourself in this room for 3 hours?!" She says.

"That's nothing..." you retort.


Okay guys... opinion time...

Next chapter, should I do a Jungkook's POV or will that give the plot of the story away?

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