[8] Fight!

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It is the day after your date with Taehyung and you get up to go to school. You skip your way to the school, excited to see Taehyung.

You almost make it to your class until someone appears infront of you and your head hits his chest and you fall back on the floor, your hands catching and cushioning your fall.

"What the hell was that for," you say while rubbing your head until you look up and become face to face with Jeon Jungkook. He was so close to you and you started backing up. As you back away, he just walks closer and closer to you. A crowd gathers around you and you feel someone grab on to your wrist, both your hands still on the floor while you are trying to back away from Jungkook. You look up to see who is holding your wrist to see Kim Taehyung giving you one of his box smiles.

He looks at Jungkook and furrows his eyebrows to show he's a little pissed.

"What are you doing?" He asks Jungkook as Jungkook smirks at his comment.

"I bet you know very well as to what I'm doing," Jungkook says to Taehyung then turns to stare at you again.

Taehyung pulls you up to your feet and you ask him whats happening.

"I'll tell you after class," he says to you in his deep voice. You have no other choice but to listen to him

Class ends and you stare at Taehyung as he stares at you back but his eyes changed a little. You can see a little glare of anger and you notice that he is actually staring at Jungkook who is sitting behind you with Jimin.

You take a deep sigh and turn to find Jungkook staring at your back.

"Meet me at the rooftop and I'll tell you why V agreed to date you," he says to you.

You shiver at the name "V" and then realizes that's Taehyung stage name. You couldn't help but be curious and you follow Jungkook to the rooftop.

"How badly do you want to know the truth?" Jungkook asks you, a hint of sass in his voice.

"Just a little curious is all," you try to say, sounding cool but in the inside, you're dying of curiosity of what Jungkook will say to you.

"I bet you've heard of his ex girlfriend, right? What's her name again? Oh right! Ani," he says to you.

You guess it was the same girl as yesterday. The crazy lady who practically attacked Taehyung.

You nod showing Jungkook that you do know about Ani and he smirks again.

"Did he tell you WHY she is his ex girlfriend?" He asks you. You nod no.

Jungkook lets out a devilish giggle and turns to look into your eyes. "She broke up with him for me. But of course, I wouldn't want any of my friend's leftover so I immediately dumped her when she came to me," he says.

He sounds so cruel.

"Why would you do that to your friend! You know, your such a douchebag for luring in your best friend's girlfriend just to play your sick game," you say practically yelling.

"Oh but you haven't heard the best part about why I brought you up here. It's not about your boyfriend's past but about his motivations now," Jungkook says to you and he looks into your confused face.

"Do you not understand?" He says to you getting closer to you and he leans in. "He's using you to get back at me," he says.

Suddenly, the door swings open and you find Taehyung grabbing your wrist and dragging you away.

"What was that for?" You say a little pissed off as you hold the wrist he had his grips on. You hear the last sentence of Jungkook's sentence repeat in your head as you get dragged away.

"Are you listening to what Jungkook says to you now?!" Taehyung says, getting a little shouty.

"Please (y/n) it's not like that. Maybe it was in the beginning but not now. Not now," he repeats to himself as if trying to convince himself that he was not trying to use you.

You felt pity. No more love, no more butterflies in your stomach. You recognize this feeling as pity, feeling it many times before while you lived in USA. You walk out on him but before closing the door, you whisper something loud enough for him to hear 'We're over. Please forgive me. I really do want to continue to be friends with you. You light up my day when I need you but our relationship right now doesn't feel like it's going to work'. You didn't look back as you close the door behind you, giving him some privacy and start walking down the halls.

School ends once again and you start walking home. You make your way to the school gates and find this girl waiting by it. You watch her as she comes up to you, and she gives you a strong slap on your left cheek. A burning sensation came as her palm left the touch of your skin. You stare in shock and you give her your death glare. She tries to glare back but she sees that you mean business and she looks away.

BTS rushes in and pulls you two apart. You put your hand on your cheek and feel a bruise arising. You're about to go back to her until Taehyung comes between you and the girl.

"What are you doing here, Ani," he says while giving her a serious face.

"Me? I'm just here to see you silly!" Ani says as if shes all innocent. You curse under your breath and you swear, you are about to lunge a fist full of shit into her face.

You look to see who is restraining you and turn to see Jungkook giving Ani a serious glare. You know this isn't going to end very well for one person or the other.


Guess that was a little unexpected for my part. Also if you guys don't like me using profanity, please comment it and I will try to keep that to a minimum. Hope you guys like the story so far and tanks for reading!

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