[13] Truth or Dare

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Namjoon just invited you over to his house for a sleepover.

Well.. a sleepover with the rest of BTS.

Including Jungkook.

You were about to say no when...

"Aw come'on! If you say no, I'll feel like it's cause you still hate me," Taehyung says while pouting and giving his puppy dog eyes.

You try to stare at him with a straight face. You look into his cute, widened, dark eyes and you couldn't help it. You couldn't ever resist Taehyung's puppy dog eyes even if you were to be mad at him.

"Arg.." you hesitate. "Fine but I want a separate room~ WITH A BED!" You ended and look away from Taehyung.

He walks away and high fives Namjoon. Ugh, I can't believe they planned that, you think. They look back at you and you give them a sarcastic smile, making it as obvious as you can.

The day of the sleepover arrived and you are late.

You still need to pack your clothes. You have your toiletries and your facial products (but no makeup cuz you know you're hot af without it) buttttttttttt you can't decide what kind of pajama shirt to wear without your nips poking out.

You keep searching your closet and drawers for ten minutes then give up. All your shirts are too thin because you always go for comfortable. You know what, fuck it. I don't care if those little adolescent pervs even stare at my boobs, you thought again. You aren't comfortable sleeping with a bra because you like to sleep cold. When you wear a bra at night, you would wake up with sweaty boobs the next morning.

You grab a random shirt from your pajama drawer and shove it in your bag along with the other things you're bringing.

You arrive at Namjoon's house and it's bigger than yours.

You arrive at the gates and ring the bell. You look at the entrance of the house to find Hoseok running towards you with open arms. He opens the gate and tries to hug you. You notice, before he touches you, that he smells like sweat, so you push him away with the pad of your fingers.

"Sorry Hobi, I don't want to feel or smell like a sweaty gorilla before actually doing some physical work," you say as you run away from him towards the door.

He almost catches up to you, arms still open, until you open the front door and immediately closes it.


Omg what just happened.. you think as you open the door. You see Hoseok lying back flat on the floor with his limbs spread apart. You couldn't help but giggle a little at his overreaction.

"Ok Hobi, I'm sorry. Get up," you say to him while lightly tapping his side with your foot.

He quickly gets up and surprises you with a hug full of nasty. EWWWWW!!!!!

He finally lets go and you both head into the house. You see every member sitting in a circle on the floor, a table in the middle with a glass coke bottle on top.

"What are you guys doing?" You ask, backing away slowly.

Hoseok catches your arms behind you and he breathes down to your ear.

"You can't back down now," he whispers. He pulls away with a smirk on his face and joins the rest of BTS in the circle.

Scared, you sit between Yoongi and Seokjin, feeling safer between them than any others. Or so you thought at least.

"What are we playing?" You ask, totally clueless.

They all look at you with wide eyes and you glance at Jin next to you.

"Can you not tell by the set up? We're playing Truth or dare," Jin says, still in a state of shock.

"How the hell was I supposed to know. I thought you were making me join your cult or summon the dead or something," you say drifting off to your imaginations.

"Yah!" Jin snaps you out of your thoughts. "Watch your profanity!"

"Ne Eomma," you say, bowing your head a little in sarcasm.

"That's better," Jin says, flipping the nonexistent hair on his shoulder.

"Okay! Time to start the game!" Yoongi yells while grabbing the bottle on the table. "I'll go first."

He spins the bottle and it lands on Jimin.

"Truth or dare?" Yoongi asks.

"Dare," Jimin says with a proud look on his face.

"I dare you to not wear a shirt for the rest of the night," Yoongi says as Jimin's expression falls.

"But there's a girl here," Jimin says, pointing you out.

"Who care," Yoongi says. "Unless.. you're chickening out."

"No way," Jimin says. He then hesitantly took off his shirt.

You almost drool while looking at him defined abs.

"Damn," you accidentally say out loud.

Jin looks at you to find you staring and covers your eyes. And you thought they were going to be the perverts.

"My turn!" Jimin says, spinning the bottle.

It lands on you and Jimin shows a smirk.

"Truth or dare?" Jimin asks.


"Hehe!! Is it true that you and Jungkook slept together at her house?" Jimin asks while raising an eyebrow.

"In a way I guess," you say while trying to not show your blushing face as you remember what happened that day.

You spin the bottle and it lands on Hoseok.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare," Hoseok sings.

"I dare you to rub Jimins abs," you say, glaring and Jimin.

"What! Why does this involve me," Jimin asks, whining.

"Come on. It's fun," you say.

You turn to Hoseok and he's reaching out to Jimin while looking at the other direction. You grab Hoseok's hand and rush it over to Jimin's bare stomach, making him rub it like a cloth on a washboard.

You let go after a few seconds and fall to the ground laughing.

"Hmph. It's my turn now," Hoseok says while taking the bottle.

You stop laughing and sit up straight, getting caught up in the game.

The spinning bottle comes to a stop, it's tip is pointing at Jungkook.

"Truth or dare?"

"Truth," Jungkook says, being too tired to move.

"Aw, you're very no fun," Hoseok says with a frown. Suddenly a lightbulb appears over Hoseok's head and he opens his mouth.

"What was the farthest you've gone while you were at (Y/N)'s house?" Hoseok asks with a smirk on his face.

You turn to find Jungkook's face turning slightly pink. He turns away and mutters something you can't hear.

"What!" Hoseok says.

More murmurs.

"What!!" Hoseok says louder.

"(Y/N) took away my first kiss!!!" He shouts then covers his mouth.


Surprise!!!!! Idk if you count this as a cliffhanger but this chapter was pretty fun to write. Comment and vote! Doing so totally encourages me to continue my writing sooner. Thanks for reading!

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