[6] Confession

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After class finally ends, you get nervous and hesitate to go to the roof. You look around the classroom and notice that Taehyung already left. You sigh and you start to head up the stairs to the roof.

When you arrive at the roof, you see Taehyung looking out at the edge. His arms resting on the ledge and your heart starts to beat fast. You feel the butterflies in your stomach like it's going to burst at any moment. He's your first crush and you don't know what to do other than this...

"Hey," you say, catching his attention.

"Oh, hey! Why'd you call me up? We could've talked in the music room," he says back.

"Well.. um.. this isn't something I should tell you in front of the members," you say. You feel like you are about to run out because you were so nervous. You start to play with your fingers then you quickly say it. "I like you!"

Taehyung stares at you. Shock in his eyes and you feel so vulnerable. He opens his mouth and before he could say anything, you start to run off. Once you open the door to get down from the rooftop, you feel a pull on the your wrist that's holding the knob. You look up and it is to no surprise that you find Taehyung grabbing your wrist. He tugs you away from the door and pulls you into a tight back-hug.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel bad. I was just so shocked that you would confess to me first since I like you too," he says holding you in his strong embrace.

You hold his arms that are wrapped around you from the back then you turn around to face him. You both look into each other's eyes and you hug him. He hugs you back but this time, tighter than before.

"Do you... want to be my girlfriend?" He asks.

You look up to his eyes and you see eyes full of sincerity, love and beauty. You nod, saying yes because for some reason, you can't get any words out of your mouth. You are so relieved that he feels the same way you do.

After school ends, you and Taehyung walks to the music room together while holding hands. When you arrive at the door, you try to let go but Taehyung holds your hand tighter.

"What the hell is this," Jungkook says as he arrives behind you. He stares at you and Taehyung's hands being held and push you both aside as he walks through the door.

Taehyung smirks and walks through the door after Jungkook, pulling you in with him. As you guys arrive together, the whole group stares at you and Taehyung.

"We're dating now," Taehyung says with a big, rectangle smile on his face.

You smile at his smile and hold up both your and his hands, then swing them back down.

"Ok well, now that we know, let's move on to practice," says Yoongi. Everybody agrees and you let go of Taehyung's hand and let him go practice with the group.

He smiles at you and gives you a hug. You feel a little embarrassed since he hugged you infront the group but then you hug him back.

After their practice ends, you start walking home but then Taehyung grabs your hands and smiles happily.

"Let's have dinner together!" He says. Still with a huge smile on his face.

"Sure," you say, trying to sound cool but you know you cheeks are redder than a firetruck.


Hehe this chapter is mostly about Taehyung/V but to be honest... V is my bias in BTS, I just thought Jungkook would fit this role more though... hehe ^_^

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